// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package setting import ( "path/filepath" "reflect" ini "gopkg.in/ini.v1" ) // Storage represents configuration of storages type Storage struct { Type string Path string Section *ini.Section ServeDirect bool } // MapTo implements the Mappable interface func (s *Storage) MapTo(v interface{}) error { pathValue := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().FieldByName("Path") if pathValue.IsValid() && pathValue.Kind() == reflect.String { pathValue.SetString(s.Path) } if s.Section != nil { return s.Section.MapTo(v) } return nil } func getStorage(name, typ string, overrides ...*ini.Section) Storage { sectionName := "storage" if len(name) > 0 { sectionName = sectionName + "." + typ } sec := Cfg.Section(sectionName) if len(overrides) == 0 { overrides = []*ini.Section{ Cfg.Section(sectionName + "." + name), } } var storage Storage storage.Type = sec.Key("STORAGE_TYPE").MustString(typ) storage.ServeDirect = sec.Key("SERVE_DIRECT").MustBool(false) // Global Defaults sec.Key("MINIO_ENDPOINT").MustString("localhost:9000") sec.Key("MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID").MustString("") sec.Key("MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY").MustString("") sec.Key("MINIO_BUCKET").MustString("gitea") sec.Key("MINIO_LOCATION").MustString("us-east-1") sec.Key("MINIO_USE_SSL").MustBool(false) storage.Section = sec for _, override := range overrides { for _, key := range storage.Section.Keys() { if !override.HasKey(key.Name()) { _, _ = override.NewKey(key.Name(), key.Value()) } } storage.ServeDirect = override.Key("SERVE_DIRECT").MustBool(false) storage.Section = override } // Specific defaults storage.Path = storage.Section.Key("PATH").MustString(filepath.Join(AppDataPath, name)) if !filepath.IsAbs(storage.Path) { storage.Path = filepath.Join(AppWorkPath, storage.Path) storage.Section.Key("PATH").SetValue(storage.Path) } storage.Section.Key("MINIO_BASE_PATH").MustString(name + "/") return storage }