// Convert a number to a locale string by data-number attribute. // Or add a tooltip by data-number-in-tooltip attribute. JSON: {message: "count: %s", number: 123} window.customElements.define('gitea-locale-number', class extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { // ideally, the number locale formatting and plural processing should be done by backend with translation strings. // if we have complete backend locale support (eg: Golang "x/text" package), we can drop this component. const number = this.getAttribute('data-number'); if (number) { this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); this.shadowRoot.textContent = new Intl.NumberFormat().format(Number(number)); } const numberInTooltip = this.getAttribute('data-number-in-tooltip'); if (numberInTooltip) { // TODO: only 2 usages of this, we can replace it with Golang's "x/text/number" package in the future const {message, number} = JSON.parse(numberInTooltip); const tooltipContent = message.replace(/%[ds]/, new Intl.NumberFormat().format(Number(number))); this.setAttribute('data-tooltip-content', tooltipContent); } } });