import {htmlEscape} from 'escape-goat'; import {POST} from '../../modules/fetch.js'; import {imageInfo} from '../../utils/image.js'; async function uploadFile(file, uploadUrl) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', file,; const res = await POST(uploadUrl, {data: formData}); return await res.json(); } function clipboardPastedImages(e) { if (!e.clipboardData) return []; const files = []; for (const item of e.clipboardData.items || []) { if (!item.type || !item.type.startsWith('image/')) continue; files.push(item.getAsFile()); } return files; } function triggerEditorContentChanged(target) { target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ce-editor-content-changed', {bubbles: true})); } class TextareaEditor { constructor(editor) { this.editor = editor; } insertPlaceholder(value) { const editor = this.editor; const startPos = editor.selectionStart; const endPos = editor.selectionEnd; editor.value = editor.value.substring(0, startPos) + value + editor.value.substring(endPos); editor.selectionStart = startPos; editor.selectionEnd = startPos + value.length; editor.focus(); triggerEditorContentChanged(editor); } replacePlaceholder(oldVal, newVal) { const editor = this.editor; const startPos = editor.selectionStart; const endPos = editor.selectionEnd; if (editor.value.substring(startPos, endPos) === oldVal) { editor.value = editor.value.substring(0, startPos) + newVal + editor.value.substring(endPos); editor.selectionEnd = startPos + newVal.length; } else { editor.value = editor.value.replace(oldVal, newVal); editor.selectionEnd -= oldVal.length; editor.selectionEnd += newVal.length; } editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd; editor.focus(); triggerEditorContentChanged(editor); } } class CodeMirrorEditor { constructor(editor) { this.editor = editor; } insertPlaceholder(value) { const editor = this.editor; const startPoint = editor.getCursor('start'); const endPoint = editor.getCursor('end'); editor.replaceSelection(value); = + value.length; editor.setSelection(startPoint, endPoint); editor.focus(); triggerEditorContentChanged(editor.getTextArea()); } replacePlaceholder(oldVal, newVal) { const editor = this.editor; const endPoint = editor.getCursor('end'); if (editor.getSelection() === oldVal) { editor.replaceSelection(newVal); } else { editor.setValue(editor.getValue().replace(oldVal, newVal)); } -= oldVal.length; += newVal.length; editor.setSelection(endPoint, endPoint); editor.focus(); triggerEditorContentChanged(editor.getTextArea()); } } const uploadClipboardImage = async (editor, dropzone, e) => { const uploadUrl = dropzone.getAttribute('data-upload-url'); const filesContainer = dropzone.querySelector('.files'); if (!uploadUrl || !filesContainer) return; const pastedImages = clipboardPastedImages(e); if (!pastedImages || pastedImages.length === 0) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); for (const img of pastedImages) { const name =,'.')); const placeholder = `![${name}](uploading ...)`; editor.insertPlaceholder(placeholder); const {uuid} = await uploadFile(img, uploadUrl); const {width, dppx} = await imageInfo(img); const url = `/attachments/${uuid}`; let text; if (width > 0 && dppx > 1) { // Scale down images from HiDPI monitors. This uses the tag because it's the only // method to change image size in Markdown that is supported by all implementations. text = `${htmlEscape(name)}`; } else { text = `![${name}](${url})`; } editor.replacePlaceholder(placeholder, text); const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('name', 'files'); input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); input.setAttribute('id', uuid); input.value = uuid; filesContainer.append(input); } }; export function initEasyMDEImagePaste(easyMDE, dropzone) { if (!dropzone) return; easyMDE.codemirror.on('paste', async (_, e) => { return uploadClipboardImage(new CodeMirrorEditor(easyMDE.codemirror), dropzone, e); }); } export function initTextareaImagePaste(textarea, dropzone) { if (!dropzone) return; textarea.addEventListener('paste', async (e) => { return uploadClipboardImage(new TextareaEditor(textarea), dropzone, e); }); }