Earl Warren f136cca5df
feat(renovate): automerge swagger-ui-dist patch updates
Looking at
it looks like is actively maintaining the
package and the changes of the last release suggest it can be
trusted with patch upgrades.
2024-04-25 13:14:30 +02:00

138 lines
4 KiB

"$schema": "",
"extends": [
"ignorePresets": [
"semanticCommits": "disabled",
"automergeStrategy": "merge-commit",
"postUpdateOptions": ["gomodTidy", "gomodUpdateImportPaths", "npmDedupe"],
"prConcurrentLimit": 5,
"internalChecksFilter": "strict",
"packageRules": [
"description": "Require approval for go and python minor version",
"matchDepNames": [
"matchUpdateTypes": ["minor"],
"dependencyDashboardApproval": true
"description": "Require dashboard approval for some deps",
"matchDepNames": [
"dependencyDashboardApproval": true
"description": "Schedule some deps less frequently",
"matchDepNames": [""],
"extends": ["schedule:quarterly"]
"description": "Group golang packages",
"matchDepNames": [
"groupName": "golang packages"
"description": "Group nodejs packages",
"matchDepNames": ["node", "", ""],
"groupName": "nodejs packages"
"description": "Automerge renovate updates",
"matchDatasources": ["docker"],
"matchPackageNames": [""],
"matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch", "digest"],
"automerge": true
"description": "Split minor and patch updates",
"matchDepNames": [
"separateMinorPatch": true
"description": "Automerge patch updates",
"matchDepNames": [
"matchUpdateTypes": ["patch"],
"automerge": true
"description": "Update renovate with higher prio to come through rate limit",
"matchDatasources": ["docker"],
"matchDepNames": [""],
"prPriority": 10
"description": "Disable actions/cascading-pr for now <>",
"matchDepNames": ["actions/cascading-pr"],
"matchManagers": ["github-actions"],
"enabled": false
"description": "Automerge some packages when ci succeeds",
"extends": ["packages:linters"],
"matchDepNames": ["vitest"],
"automerge": true
"description": "Hold back on some package updates for a few days",
"matchDepNames": ["monaco-editor"],
"minimumReleaseAge": "30 days"
"customManagers": [
"description": "Update go-version in forgejo workflows",
"customType": "regex",
"fileMatch": ["^.forgejo/workflows/.+\\.yml$"],
"matchStrings": ["\\s+go-version: ['\"]?(?<currentValue>.+?)['\"]?\\s"],
"depNameTemplate": "go",
"datasourceTemplate": "golang-version",
"versioningTemplate": "go-mod-directive"
"description": "Update node-version in forgejo workflows",
"customType": "regex",
"fileMatch": ["^.forgejo/workflows/.+\\.yml$"],
"matchStrings": ["\\s+node-version: ['\"]?(?<currentValue>.+?)['\"]?\\s"],
"depNameTemplate": "node",
"datasourceTemplate": "node-version"
"description": "Update deps inside Makefile",
"customType": "regex",
"fileMatch": ["^Makefile$"],
"matchStrings": [
" \\?= (?<depName>.+?)@(?<currentValue>.+?) # renovate: datasource=(?<datasource>.+?)\\s"