2018-06-15 13:20:17 +05:30
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2018-11-13 10:09:30 +05:30
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< title > Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons < / title >
< meta name = "title" content = "Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons " >
2019-05-13 04:34:37 +05:30
< meta name = "description" content = "Boxicons is a free collection of carefully crafted open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with the material guidelines" >
2018-11-13 10:09:30 +05:30
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2018-06-17 18:20:20 +05:30
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2018-11-13 10:09:30 +05:30
< meta property = "og:title" content = "Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons " >
2019-05-13 04:34:37 +05:30
< meta property = "og:description" content = "Boxicons is a free collection of carefully crafted open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with the material guidelines" >
2018-11-13 10:09:30 +05:30
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< meta property = "twitter:title" content = "Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons " >
2019-05-13 04:34:37 +05:30
< meta property = "twitter:description" content = "Boxicons is a free collection of carefully crafted open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with the material guidelines" >
2018-11-13 10:09:30 +05:30
< meta property = "twitter:image" content = "/static/img/og-image.png" >
< meta name = "keywords" content = "box icons, icon, line icon, sharp icon, boxicons, material icons, premium icons, pixel perfect icons, open source icons, free icons, free icon set" >
2018-06-15 13:20:17 +05:30
2018-11-13 10:09:30 +05:30
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2018-06-17 17:36:43 +05:30
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2019-05-04 21:25:05 +05:30
2019-01-21 11:15:36 +05:30
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2018-06-15 13:20:17 +05:30
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2018-06-17 21:47:17 +05:30
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2018-06-15 13:20:17 +05:30
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2019-05-04 21:37:09 +05:30
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