14 more icons have been added to the list, and some pre built CSS classes to perform various functions like, rotate, animate and add border to the icons.
To use an icon, add the `<box-icon>` element to the location where the icon should be displayed:
The `<box-icon>` custom element supports the following attributes:
-`name` : (REQUIRED) the name of the icon to be displayed
-`color`: A color for the icon.
-`size`: The size for the icon. It supports one of two types of values:
- One of the followign shortcuts: `xs`, `sm`, `md`, `lg`
- A css unit size (ex. `60px`)
-`rotate`: one of the following values: `90`, `180`, `270`
-`flip`: one of the following values: `horizontal`, `vertical`
-`shape`: one of the following values: `square`, `circle`
-`animation`: One of the following values: `spin`, `tada`, `flashing`, `burst`, `fade-left`, `fade-right`, `spin-hover`, `tada-hover`, `flashing-hover`, `burst-hover`, `fade-left-hover`, `fade-right-hover`
-`tagName`: property that holds the HTML element tag name. Default: `box-icon`
-`defined([tagName])`: Defines the Element in the custom element registry using either the tagName provided on input or the (default) the one defined on the Class.
-`cdnUrl`: property that holds the URL that will be used to retrieve the images. URL should point to the folder that contains the images. example: `//unpkg.com/boxicons@1.1.1/svg` (no trailing forward slash)
-`getIconSvg(iconName)`: method used to retrieve the SVG image. Should return a Promise that resolves with the SVG source (String).