# BoxIcons [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/atisawd/boxicons.svg)](https://github.com/atisawd/boxicons/issues) [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/https/github.com/atisawd/boxicons.svg?style=social)](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Wow:&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fatisawd%2Fboxicons) [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/donate-paypal-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](https://paypal.me/atisawd) _High Quality web friendly icons_ 'Boxicons' is a carefully designed open source iconset with 1000+ icons. It's crafted to look enrich your website/app experience. _Announcing Boxicons v2.0.0!_ New icons added in regular, solid styles. - 250+ icons added - Improvements on the current icons - Corrections to comply with the Material system icon rules ## Installation To install via npm, simply do the following: ```bash $ npm install boxicons --save ``` import the module ```javscript import 'boxicons'; ``` ## Usage ### Using via CSS 1. Include the stylesheet on your document's `` ```html ``` Instead of installing you may use the remote version ```html ``` 2. To use an icon on your page, add a class 'bx' and seperate class with the icons name with a prefix 'bx-' for regular icons , 'bxs-' for solid icons and 'bxl-' for logos: ```html ``` ### Using via Web Component Boxicons includes a Custom Element that makes using icons easy and efficient. To use it, add the `box-icon-element.js` file to the page: ```html ``` To use an icon, add the `` element to the location where the icon should be displayed: ```html ``` To use solid icons or logos add attribute `type` as solid or logo before the name ```html ``` The `` custom element supports the following attributes: ```html ``` - `type`: Should always be first and be one of the following values: `regular`,`solid`, `logo` - `name` : (REQUIRED) the name of the icon to be displayed - `color`: A color for the icon. - `size`: The size for the icon. It supports one of two types of values: - One of the following shortcuts: `xs`, `sm`, `md`, `lg` - A css unit size (ex. `60px`) - `rotate`: one of the following values: `90`, `180`, `270` - `flip`: one of the following values: `horizontal`, `vertical` - `border`: one of the following values: `square`, `circle` - `animation`: One of the following values: `spin`, `tada`, `flashing`, `burst`, `fade-left`, `fade-right`, `spin-hover`, `tada-hover`, `flashing-hover`, `burst-hover`, `fade-left-hover`, `fade-right-hover` - `pull`: one of the following values: `left`,`right` The Custom Element class (`BoxIconElement`) exposes the following static members: - `tagName`: property that holds the HTML element tag name. Default: `box-icon` - `defined([tagName])`: Defines the Element in the custom element registry using either the tagName provided on input or the (default) the one defined on the Class. - `cdnUrl`: property that holds the URL that will be used to retrieve the images. URL should point to the folder that contains the images. example: `//unpkg.com/boxicons@1.5.2/svg` (no trailing forward slash) - `getIconSvg(iconName)`: method used to retrieve the SVG image. Should return a Promise that resolves with the SVG source (String). [Check out all the icons here!](https://boxicons.com) ## License The icons (.svg) files are free to download and are licensed under CC 4.0 . By downloading it is assumed that you agree with the terms mentioned in CC 4.0. The fonts files are licensed under SIL OFL 1.1 Attribution is not required but is appreciated Other files which are not fonts or icons are licensed under the MIT License [You can read more about the license here!](https://boxicons.com/get-started#license) ## Contributing Pull requests are the way to go here. I apologise in advance for the slow action on pull requests and issues. Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? [Edit this page on Github](https://github.com/atisawd/boxicons/blob/master/README.md)