using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CommandLine; using Emby.Server.Implementations; using Jellyfin.Server.Extensions; using Jellyfin.Server.Helpers; using Jellyfin.Server.Implementations; using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration; using MediaBrowser.Controller; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions; using Serilog; using Serilog.Extensions.Logging; using static MediaBrowser.Controller.Extensions.ConfigurationExtensions; using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger; namespace Jellyfin.Server { /// /// Class containing the entry point of the application. /// public static class Program { /// /// The name of logging configuration file containing application defaults. /// public const string LoggingConfigFileDefault = "logging.default.json"; /// /// The name of the logging configuration file containing the system-specific override settings. /// public const string LoggingConfigFileSystem = "logging.json"; private static readonly ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory = new SerilogLoggerFactory(); private static CancellationTokenSource _tokenSource = new(); private static long _startTimestamp; private static ILogger _logger = NullLogger.Instance; private static bool _restartOnShutdown; /// /// The entry point of the application. /// /// The command line arguments passed. /// . public static Task Main(string[] args) { static Task ErrorParsingArguments(IEnumerable errors) { Environment.ExitCode = 1; return Task.CompletedTask; } // Parse the command line arguments and either start the app or exit indicating error return Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args) .MapResult(StartApp, ErrorParsingArguments); } /// /// Shuts down the application. /// internal static void Shutdown() { if (!_tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { _tokenSource.Cancel(); } } /// /// Restarts the application. /// internal static void Restart() { _restartOnShutdown = true; Shutdown(); } private static async Task StartApp(StartupOptions options) { _startTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); ServerApplicationPaths appPaths = StartupHelpers.CreateApplicationPaths(options); // $JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR needs to be set for the logger configuration manager Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR", appPaths.LogDirectoryPath); // Enable cl-va P010 interop for tonemapping on Intel VAAPI Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("NEOReadDebugKeys", "1"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("EnableExtendedVaFormats", "1"); await StartupHelpers.InitLoggingConfigFile(appPaths).ConfigureAwait(false); // Create an instance of the application configuration to use for application startup IConfiguration startupConfig = CreateAppConfiguration(options, appPaths); StartupHelpers.InitializeLoggingFramework(startupConfig, appPaths); _logger = _loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Main"); // Use the logging framework for uncaught exceptions instead of std error AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (_, e) => _logger.LogCritical((Exception)e.ExceptionObject, "Unhandled Exception"); // Intercept Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Break Console.CancelKeyPress += (_, e) => { if (_tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { return; // Already shutting down } e.Cancel = true; _logger.LogInformation("Ctrl+C, shutting down"); Environment.ExitCode = 128 + 2; Shutdown(); }; // Register a SIGTERM handler AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (_, _) => { if (_tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { return; // Already shutting down } _logger.LogInformation("Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down"); Environment.ExitCode = 128 + 15; Shutdown(); }; _logger.LogInformation( "Jellyfin version: {Version}", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()!.GetName().Version!.ToString(3)); StartupHelpers.LogEnvironmentInfo(_logger, appPaths); // If hosting the web client, validate the client content path if (startupConfig.HostWebClient()) { var webContentPath = appPaths.WebPath; if (!Directory.Exists(webContentPath) || !Directory.EnumerateFiles(webContentPath).Any()) { _logger.LogError( "The server is expected to host the web client, but the provided content directory is either " + "invalid or empty: {WebContentPath}. If you do not want to host the web client with the " + "server, you may set the '--nowebclient' command line flag, or set" + "'{ConfigKey}=false' in your config settings", webContentPath, HostWebClientKey); Environment.ExitCode = 1; return; } } StartupHelpers.PerformStaticInitialization(); Migrations.MigrationRunner.RunPreStartup(appPaths, _loggerFactory); do { _restartOnShutdown = false; await StartServer(appPaths, options, startupConfig).ConfigureAwait(false); if (_restartOnShutdown) { _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _startTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); } } while (_restartOnShutdown); } private static async Task StartServer(IServerApplicationPaths appPaths, StartupOptions options, IConfiguration startupConfig) { var appHost = new CoreAppHost( appPaths, _loggerFactory, options, startupConfig); IHost? host = null; try { host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder() .ConfigureServices(services => appHost.Init(services)) .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webHostBuilder => webHostBuilder.ConfigureWebHostBuilder(appHost, startupConfig, appPaths, _logger)) .ConfigureAppConfiguration(config => config.ConfigureAppConfiguration(options, appPaths, startupConfig)) .UseSerilog() .Build(); // Re-use the host service provider in the app host since ASP.NET doesn't allow a custom service collection. appHost.ServiceProvider = host.Services; await appHost.InitializeServices().ConfigureAwait(false); Migrations.MigrationRunner.Run(appHost, _loggerFactory); try { await host.StartAsync(_tokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!OperatingSystem.IsWindows() && startupConfig.UseUnixSocket()) { var socketPath = StartupHelpers.GetUnixSocketPath(startupConfig, appPaths); StartupHelpers.SetUnixSocketPermissions(startupConfig, socketPath, _logger); } } catch (Exception ex) when (ex is not TaskCanceledException) { _logger.LogError("Kestrel failed to start! This is most likely due to an invalid address or port bind - correct your bind configuration in network.xml and try again"); throw; } await appHost.RunStartupTasksAsync(_tokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); _logger.LogInformation("Startup complete {Time:g}", Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(_startTimestamp)); // Block main thread until shutdown await Task.Delay(-1, _tokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Don't throw on cancellation } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogCritical(ex, "Error while starting server"); } finally { // Don't throw additional exception if startup failed. if (appHost.ServiceProvider is not null) { _logger.LogInformation("Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while"); // Run before disposing the application var context = await appHost.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService>().CreateDbContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await using (context.ConfigureAwait(false)) { if (context.Database.IsSqlite()) { await context.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync("PRAGMA optimize").ConfigureAwait(false); } } } await appHost.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); host?.Dispose(); } } /// /// Create the application configuration. /// /// The command line options passed to the program. /// The application paths. /// The application configuration. public static IConfiguration CreateAppConfiguration(StartupOptions commandLineOpts, IApplicationPaths appPaths) { return new ConfigurationBuilder() .ConfigureAppConfiguration(commandLineOpts, appPaths) .Build(); } private static IConfigurationBuilder ConfigureAppConfiguration( this IConfigurationBuilder config, StartupOptions commandLineOpts, IApplicationPaths appPaths, IConfiguration? startupConfig = null) { // Use the swagger API page as the default redirect path if not hosting the web client var inMemoryDefaultConfig = ConfigurationOptions.DefaultConfiguration; if (startupConfig is not null && !startupConfig.HostWebClient()) { inMemoryDefaultConfig[DefaultRedirectKey] = "api-docs/swagger"; } return config .SetBasePath(appPaths.ConfigurationDirectoryPath) .AddInMemoryCollection(inMemoryDefaultConfig) .AddJsonFile(LoggingConfigFileDefault, optional: false, reloadOnChange: true) .AddJsonFile(LoggingConfigFileSystem, optional: true, reloadOnChange: true) .AddEnvironmentVariables("JELLYFIN_") .AddInMemoryCollection(commandLineOpts.ConvertToConfig()); } } }