#nullable disable #pragma warning disable CS1591 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Jellyfin.Data.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.TV; using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying; namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities { public class UserView : Folder, IHasCollectionType { /// /// Gets or sets the view type. /// public string ViewType { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the display parent id. /// public new Guid DisplayParentId { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the user id. /// public Guid? UserId { get; set; } public static ITVSeriesManager TVSeriesManager; /// [JsonIgnore] public string CollectionType => ViewType; /// public override IEnumerable GetIdsForAncestorQuery() { if (!DisplayParentId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { yield return DisplayParentId; } else if (!ParentId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { yield return ParentId; } else { yield return Id; } } [JsonIgnore] public override bool SupportsInheritedParentImages => false; [JsonIgnore] public override bool SupportsPlayedStatus => false; public override int GetChildCount(User user) { return GetChildren(user, true).Count; } protected override QueryResult GetItemsInternal(InternalItemsQuery query) { var parent = this as Folder; if (!DisplayParentId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { parent = LibraryManager.GetItemById(DisplayParentId) as Folder ?? parent; } else if (!ParentId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { parent = LibraryManager.GetItemById(ParentId) as Folder ?? parent; } return new UserViewBuilder(UserViewManager, LibraryManager, Logger, UserDataManager, TVSeriesManager, ConfigurationManager) .GetUserItems(parent, this, CollectionType, query); } public override List GetChildren(User user, bool includeLinkedChildren, InternalItemsQuery query) { query ??= new InternalItemsQuery(user); query.EnableTotalRecordCount = false; var result = GetItemList(query); return result.ToList(); } public override bool CanDelete() { return false; } public override bool IsSaveLocalMetadataEnabled() { return true; } public override IEnumerable GetRecursiveChildren(User user, InternalItemsQuery query) { query.SetUser(user); query.Recursive = true; query.EnableTotalRecordCount = false; query.ForceDirect = true; return GetItemList(query); } protected override IEnumerable GetEligibleChildrenForRecursiveChildren(User user) { return GetChildren(user, false); } private static readonly string[] UserSpecificViewTypes = new string[] { Model.Entities.CollectionType.Playlists }; public static bool IsUserSpecific(Folder folder) { var collectionFolder = folder as ICollectionFolder; if (collectionFolder == null) { return false; } var supportsUserSpecific = folder as ISupportsUserSpecificView; if (supportsUserSpecific != null && supportsUserSpecific.EnableUserSpecificView) { return true; } return UserSpecificViewTypes.Contains(collectionFolder.CollectionType ?? string.Empty, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } public static bool IsEligibleForGrouping(Folder folder) { return folder is ICollectionFolder collectionFolder && IsEligibleForGrouping(collectionFolder.CollectionType); } private static string[] ViewTypesEligibleForGrouping = new string[] { Model.Entities.CollectionType.Movies, Model.Entities.CollectionType.TvShows, string.Empty }; public static bool IsEligibleForGrouping(string viewType) { return ViewTypesEligibleForGrouping.Contains(viewType ?? string.Empty, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } private static string[] OriginalFolderViewTypes = new string[] { Model.Entities.CollectionType.Books, Model.Entities.CollectionType.MusicVideos, Model.Entities.CollectionType.HomeVideos, Model.Entities.CollectionType.Photos, Model.Entities.CollectionType.Music, Model.Entities.CollectionType.BoxSets }; public static bool EnableOriginalFolder(string viewType) { return OriginalFolderViewTypes.Contains(viewType ?? string.Empty, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } protected override Task ValidateChildrenInternal(IProgress progress, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool recursive, bool refreshChildMetadata, Providers.MetadataRefreshOptions refreshOptions, Providers.IDirectoryService directoryService) { return Task.CompletedTask; } [JsonIgnore] public override bool SupportsPeople => false; } }