namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Localization { public class BaseStrings : LocalizedStringData { public BaseStrings() { ThisVersion = "1.0002"; Prefix = LocalizedStrings.BasePrefix; } //Config Panel public string ConfigConfig = "Configuration"; public string VersionConfig = "Version"; public string MediaOptionsConfig = "Media Options"; public string ThemesConfig = "Theme Options"; public string ParentalControlConfig = "Parental Control"; public string ContinueConfig = "Continue"; public string ResetDefaultsConfig = "Reset Defaults"; public string ClearCacheConfig = "Clear Cache"; public string UnlockConfig = "Unlock"; public string GeneralConfig = "General"; public string EnableScreenSaverConfig = "Screen Saver"; public string SSTimeOutConfig = "Timeout (mins)"; public string TrackingConfig = "Tracking"; public string AssumeWatchedIfOlderThanConfig = "Assume Played If Older Than"; public string MetadataConfig = "Metadata"; public string EnableInternetProvidersConfig = "Allow Internet Providers"; public string UpdatesConfig = "Updates"; public string AutomaticUpdatesConfig = "Check For Updates"; public string LoggingConfig = "Logging"; public string BetaUpdatesConfig = "Beta Updates"; public string GlobalConfig = "Global"; public string EnableEHSConfig = "Enable EHS"; public string ShowClockConfig = "Show Clock"; public string DimUnselectedPostersConfig = "Dim Unselected Posters"; public string HideFocusFrameConfig = "Hide Focus Frame"; public string AlwaysShowDetailsConfig = "Always Show Details"; public string ExcludeRemoteContentInSearchesConfig = "Exclude Remote Content In Searches"; public string EnhancedMouseSupportConfig = "Enhanced Mouse Support"; public string ViewsConfig = "Views"; public string PosterGridSpacingConfig = "Poster Grid Spacing"; public string ThumbWidthSplitConfig = "Thumb Width Split"; public string BreadcrumbCountConfig = "Breadcrumb Count"; public string ShowFanArtonViewsConfig = "Show Fan Art on Views"; public string ShowInitialFolderBackgroundConfig = "Show Initial Folder Background"; public string ShowThemeBackgroundConfig = "Show Theme Background"; public string ShowHDOverlayonPostersConfig = "Show HD Overlay on Posters"; public string ShowIcononRemoteContentConfig = "Show Icon on Remote Content"; public string EnableAdvancedCmdsConfig = "Enable Advanced Commands"; public string MediaTrackingConfig = "Media Tracking"; public string RememberFolderIndexingConfig = "Remember Folder Indexing"; public string ShowUnwatchedCountConfig = "Show Unplayed Count"; public string WatchedIndicatoronFoldersConfig = "Played Indicator on Folders"; public string HighlightUnwatchedItemsConfig = "Highlight Unplayed Items"; public string WatchedIndicatoronVideosConfig = "Played Indicator on Items"; public string WatchedIndicatorinDetailViewConfig = "Played Indicator in Detail View"; public string DefaultToFirstUnwatchedItemConfig = "Default To First Unplayed Item"; public string GeneralBehaviorConfig = "General Behavior"; public string AllowNestedMovieFoldersConfig = "Allow Nested Movie Folders"; public string AutoEnterSingleFolderItemsConfig = "Auto Enter Single Folder Items"; public string MultipleFileBehaviorConfig = "Multiple File Behavior"; public string TreatMultipleFilesAsSingleMovieConfig = "Treat Multiple Files As Single Movie"; public string MultipleFileSizeLimitConfig = "Multiple File Size Limit"; public string MBThemeConfig = "Media Browser Theme"; public string VisualThemeConfig = "Visual Theme"; public string ColorSchemeConfig = "Color Scheme *"; public string FontSizeConfig = "Font Size *"; public string RequiresRestartConfig = "* Requires a restart to take effect."; public string ThemeSettingsConfig = "Theme Specific Settings"; public string ShowConfigButtonConfig = "Show Config Button"; public string AlphaBlendingConfig = "Alpha Blending"; public string SecurityPINConfig = "Security PIN"; public string PCUnlockedTxtConfig = "Parental Controls are Temporarily Unlocked. You cannot change values unless you re-lock."; public string RelockBtnConfig = "Re-Lock"; public string EnableParentalBlocksConfig = "Enable Parental Blocks"; public string MaxAllowedRatingConfig = "Max Allowed Rating "; public string BlockUnratedContentConfig = "Block Unrated Content"; public string HideBlockedContentConfig = "Hide Blocked Content"; public string UnlockonPINEntryConfig = "Unlock on PIN Entry"; public string UnlockPeriodHoursConfig = "Unlock Period (Hours)"; public string EnterNewPINConfig = "Enter New PIN"; public string RandomizeBackdropConfig = "Randomize"; public string RotateBackdropConfig = "Rotate"; public string UpdateLibraryConfig = "Update Library"; public string BackdropSettingsConfig = "Backdrop Settings"; public string BackdropRotationIntervalConfig = "Rotation Time"; public string BackdropTransitionIntervalConfig = "Transition Time"; public string BackdropLoadDelayConfig = "Load Delay"; public string AutoScrollTextConfig = "Auto Scroll Overview"; public string SortYearsAscConfig = "Sort by Year in Ascending Order"; public string AutoValidateConfig = "Automatically Validate Items"; public string SaveLocalMetaConfig = "Save Locally"; public string HideEmptyFoldersConfig = "Hide Empty TV Folders"; //EHS public string RecentlyWatchedEHS = "last played"; public string RecentlyAddedEHS = "last added"; public string RecentlyAddedUnwatchedEHS = "last added unplayed"; public string WatchedEHS = "Played"; public string AddedEHS = "Added"; public string UnwatchedEHS = "Unplayed"; public string AddedOnEHS = "Added on"; public string OnEHS = "on"; public string OfEHS = "of"; public string NoItemsEHS = "No Items To Show"; public string VariousEHS = "(various)"; //Context menu public string CloseCMenu = "Close"; public string PlayMenuCMenu = "Play Menu"; public string ItemMenuCMenu = "Item Menu"; public string PlayAllCMenu = "Play All"; public string PlayAllFromHereCMenu = "Play All From Here"; public string ResumeCMenu = "Resume"; public string MarkUnwatchedCMenu = "Mark Unplayed"; public string MarkWatchedCMenu = "Mark Played"; public string ShufflePlayCMenu = "Shuffle Play"; //Media Detail Page public string GeneralDetail = "General"; public string ActorsDetail = "Actors"; public string ArtistsDetail = "Artists"; public string PlayDetail = "Play"; public string ResumeDetail = "Resume"; public string RefreshDetail = "Refresh"; public string PlayTrailersDetail = "Trailer"; public string CacheDetail = "Cache 2 xml"; public string DeleteDetail = "Delete"; public string TMDBRatingDetail = "TMDb Rating"; public string OutOfDetail = "out of"; public string DirectorDetail = "Director"; public string ComposerDetail = "Composer"; public string HostDetail = "Host"; public string RuntimeDetail = "Runtime"; public string NextItemDetail = "Next"; public string PreviousItemDetail = "Previous"; public string FirstAiredDetail = "First aired"; public string LastPlayedDetail = "Last played"; public string TrackNumberDetail = "Track"; public string DirectedByDetail = "Directed By: "; public string WrittenByDetail = "Written By: "; public string ComposedByDetail = "Composed By: "; //Display Prefs public string ViewDispPref = "View"; public string ViewSearch = "Search"; public string CoverFlowDispPref = "Cover Flow"; public string DetailDispPref = "Detail"; public string PosterDispPref = "Poster"; public string ThumbDispPref = "Thumb"; public string ThumbStripDispPref = "Thumb Strip"; public string ShowLabelsDispPref = "Show Labels"; public string VerticalScrollDispPref = "Vertical Scroll"; public string UseBannersDispPref = "Use Banners"; public string UseCoverflowDispPref = "Use Coverflow Style"; public string ThumbSizeDispPref = "Thumb Size"; public string NameDispPref = "Name"; public string DateDispPref = "Date"; public string RatingDispPref = "User Rating"; public string OfficialRatingDispPref = "Rating"; public string RuntimeDispPref = "Runtime"; public string UnWatchedDispPref = "Unplayed"; public string YearDispPref = "Year"; public string NoneDispPref = "None"; public string PerformerDispPref = "Performer"; public string ActorDispPref = "Actor"; public string GenreDispPref = "Genre"; public string DirectorDispPref = "Director"; public string StudioDispPref = "Studio"; //Dialog boxes //public string BrokenEnvironmentDial = "Application will now close due to broken MediaCenterEnvironment object, possibly due to 5 minutes of idle time and/or running with TVPack installed."; //public string InitialConfigDial = "Initial configuration is complete, please restart Media Browser"; //public string DeleteMediaDial = "Are you sure you wish to delete this media item?"; //public string DeleteMediaCapDial = "Delete Confirmation"; //public string NotDeletedDial = "Item NOT Deleted."; //public string NotDeletedCapDial = "Delete Cancelled by User"; //public string NotDelInvalidPathDial = "The selected media item cannot be deleted due to an invalid path. Or you may not have sufficient access rights to perform this command."; //public string DelFailedDial = "Delete Failed"; //public string NotDelUnknownDial = "The selected media item cannot be deleted due to an unknown error."; //public string NotDelTypeDial = "The selected media item cannot be deleted due to its Item-Type or you have not enabled this feature in the configuration file."; //public string FirstTimeDial = "As this is the first time you have run Media Browser please setup the inital configuration"; //public string FirstTimeCapDial = "Configure"; //public string EntryPointErrorDial = "Media Browser could not launch directly into "; //public string EntryPointErrorCapDial = "Entrypoint Error"; //public string CriticalErrorDial = "Media Browser encountered a critical error and had to shut down: "; //public string CriticalErrorCapDial = "Critical Error"; //public string ClearCacheErrorDial = "An error occured during the clearing of the cache, you may wish to manually clear it from {0} before restarting Media Browser"; //public string RestartMBDial = "Please restart Media Browser"; //public string ClearCacheDial = "Are you sure you wish to clear the cache?\nThis will erase all cached and downloaded information and images."; //public string ClearCacheCapDial = "Clear Cache"; //public string CacheClearedDial = "Cache Cleared"; //public string ResetConfigDial = "Are you sure you wish to reset all configuration to defaults?"; //public string ResetConfigCapDial = "Reset Configuration"; //public string ConfigResetDial = "Configuration Reset"; //public string UpdateMBDial = "Please visit to install the new version."; //public string UpdateMBCapDial = "Update Available"; //public string UpdateMBExtDial = "There is an update available for Media Browser. Please update Media Browser next time you are at your MediaCenter PC."; //public string DLUpdateFailDial = "Media Browser will operate normally and prompt you again the next time you load it."; //public string DLUpdateFailCapDial = "Update Download Failed"; //public string UpdateSuccessDial = "Media Browser must now exit to apply the update. It will restart automatically when it is done"; //public string UpdateSuccessCapDial = "Update Downloaded"; //public string CustomErrorDial = "Customisation Error"; //public string ConfigErrorDial = "Reset to default?"; //public string ConfigErrorCapDial = "Error in configuration file"; //public string ContentErrorDial = "There was a problem playing the content. Check location exists"; //public string ContentErrorCapDial = "Content Error"; //public string CannotMaximizeDial = "We can not maximize the window! This is a known bug with Windows 7 and TV Pack, you will have to restart Media Browser!"; //public string IncorrectPINDial = "Incorrect PIN Entered"; //public string ContentProtected = "Content Protected"; //public string CantChangePINDial = "Cannot Change PIN"; //public string LibraryUnlockedDial = "Library Temporarily Unlocked. Will Re-Lock in {0} Hour(s) or on Application Re-Start"; //public string LibraryUnlockedCapDial = "Unlock"; //public string PINChangedDial = "PIN Successfully Changed"; //public string PINChangedCapDial = "PIN Change"; //public string EnterPINToViewDial = "Please Enter PIN to View Protected Content"; //public string EnterPINToPlayDial = "Please Enter PIN to Play Protected Content"; //public string EnterCurrentPINDial = "Please Enter CURRENT PIN."; //public string EnterNewPINDial = "Please Enter NEW PIN (exactly 4 digits)."; //public string EnterPINDial = "Please Enter PIN to Unlock Library"; //public string NoContentDial = "No Content that can be played in this context."; //public string FontsMissingDial = "CustomFonts.mcml as been patched with missing values"; //public string StyleMissingDial = "{0} has been patched with missing values"; //public string ManualRefreshDial = "Library Update Started. Will proceed in the background."; //public string ForcedRebuildDial = "Your library is currently being migrated by the service. The service will re-start when it is finished and you may then run Media Browser."; //public string ForcedRebuildCapDial = "Library Migration"; //public string RefreshFailedDial = "The last service refresh process failed. Please run a manual refresh from the service."; //public string RefreshFailedCapDial = "Service Refresh Failed"; //public string RebuildNecDial = "This version of Media Browser requires a re-build of your library. It has started automatically in the service. Some information may be incomplete until this process finishes."; //public string MigrateNecDial = "This version of Media Browser requires a migration of your library. It has started automatically in the service. The service will restart when it is complete and you may then run Media Browser."; //public string RebuildFailedDial = "There was an error attempting to tell the service to re-build your library. Please run the service and do a manual refresh with the cache clear options selected."; //public string MigrateFailedDial = "There was an error attempting to tell the service to re-build your library. Please run the service and do a manual refresh with the cache clear options selected."; //public string RefreshFolderDial = "Refresh all contents too?"; //public string RefreshFolderCapDial = "Refresh Folder"; //Generic public string Restartstr = "Restart"; public string Errorstr = "Error"; public string Playstr = "Play"; public string MinutesStr = "mins"; //Minutes abbreviation public string HoursStr = "hrs"; //Hours abbreviation public string EndsStr = "Ends"; public string KBsStr = "Kbps"; //Kilobytes per second public string FrameRateStr = "fps"; //Frames per second public string AtStr = "at"; //x at y, e.g. 1920x1080 at 25 fps public string Rated = "Rated"; public string Or = "Or "; public string Lower = "Lower"; public string Higher = "Higher"; public string Search = "Search"; public string Cancel = "Cancel"; public string TitleContains = "Title Contains "; public string Any = "Any"; //Search public string IncludeNested = "Include Subfolders"; public string UnwatchedOnly = "Include Only Unwatched"; public string FilterByRated = "Filter by Rating"; //Profiler public string WelcomeProf = "Welcome to Media Browser"; public string ProfilerTimeProf = "{1} took {2} seconds."; public string RefreshProf = "Refresh"; public string SetWatchedProf = "Set Played {0}"; public string RefreshFolderProf = "Refresh Folder and all Contents of"; public string ClearWatchedProf = "Clear Played {0}"; public string FullRefreshProf = "Full Library Refresh"; public string FullValidationProf = "Full Library Validation"; public string FastRefreshProf = "Fast Metadata refresh"; public string SlowRefresh = "Slow Metadata refresh"; public string ImageRefresh = "Image refresh"; public string PluginUpdateProf = "An update is available for plug-in {0}"; public string NoPluginUpdateProf = "No Plugin Updates Currently Available."; public string LibraryUnLockedProf = "Library Temporarily UnLocked. Will Re-Lock in {0} Hour(s)"; public string LibraryReLockedProf = "Library Re-Locked"; //Messages public string FullRefreshMsg = "Updating Media Library..."; public string FullRefreshFinishedMsg = "Library update complete"; } }