using System; using System.Windows; namespace MediaBrowser.UI.Controls { /// /// Class BaseModalWindow /// public class BaseModalWindow : BaseWindow { /// /// Shows the modal. /// /// The owner. public void ShowModal(Window owner) { WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize; ShowInTaskbar = false; WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual; AllowsTransparency = true; Width = owner.Width; Height = owner.Height; Top = owner.Top; Left = owner.Left; WindowState = owner.WindowState; Owner = owner; ShowDialog(); } /// /// Called when [browser back]. /// protected override void OnBrowserBack() { base.OnBrowserBack(); CloseModal(); } /// /// Raises the event. This method is invoked whenever is set to true internally. /// /// The that contains the event data. protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e) { base.OnInitialized(e); DataContext = this; } /// /// Closes the modal. /// protected virtual void CloseModal() { Close(); } } }