using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text.Json; using MediaBrowser.Common.Json; using MediaBrowser.Controller; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Persistence; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using SQLitePCL.pretty; namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data { /// /// Class SQLiteUserRepository /// public class SqliteUserRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IUserRepository { private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _jsonOptions; public SqliteUserRepository( ILogger logger, IServerApplicationPaths appPaths) : base(logger) { _jsonOptions = JsonDefaults.GetOptions();; DbFilePath = Path.Combine(appPaths.DataPath, "users.db"); } /// /// Gets the name of the repository /// /// The name. public string Name => "SQLite"; /// /// Opens the connection to the database. /// public void Initialize() { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { var localUsersTableExists = TableExists(connection, "LocalUsersv2"); connection.RunQueries(new[] { "create table if not exists LocalUsersv2 (Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, guid GUID NOT NULL, data BLOB NOT NULL)", "drop index if exists idx_users" }); if (!localUsersTableExists && TableExists(connection, "Users")) { TryMigrateToLocalUsersTable(connection); } RemoveEmptyPasswordHashes(connection); } } private void TryMigrateToLocalUsersTable(ManagedConnection connection) { try { connection.RunQueries(new[] { "INSERT INTO LocalUsersv2 (guid, data) SELECT guid,data from users" }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex, "Error migrating users database"); } } private void RemoveEmptyPasswordHashes(ManagedConnection connection) { foreach (var user in RetrieveAllUsers(connection)) { // If the user password is the sha1 hash of the empty string, remove it if (!string.Equals(user.Password, "DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !string.Equals(user.Password, "$SHA1$DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { continue; } user.Password = null; var serialized = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(user, _jsonOptions); connection.RunInTransaction(db => { using (var statement = db.PrepareStatement("update LocalUsersv2 set data=@data where Id=@InternalId")) { statement.TryBind("@InternalId", user.InternalId); statement.TryBind("@data", serialized); statement.MoveNext(); } }, TransactionMode); } } /// /// Save a user in the repo /// public void CreateUser(User user) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user)); } var serialized = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(user, _jsonOptions); using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.RunInTransaction(db => { using (var statement = db.PrepareStatement("insert into LocalUsersv2 (guid, data) values (@guid, @data)")) { statement.TryBind("@guid", user.Id.ToByteArray()); statement.TryBind("@data", serialized); statement.MoveNext(); } var createdUser = GetUser(user.Id, connection); if (createdUser == null) { throw new ApplicationException("created user should never be null"); } user.InternalId = createdUser.InternalId; }, TransactionMode); } } public void UpdateUser(User user) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user)); } var serialized = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(user, _jsonOptions); using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.RunInTransaction(db => { using (var statement = db.PrepareStatement("update LocalUsersv2 set data=@data where Id=@InternalId")) { statement.TryBind("@InternalId", user.InternalId); statement.TryBind("@data", serialized); statement.MoveNext(); } }, TransactionMode); } } private User GetUser(Guid guid, ManagedConnection connection) { using (var statement = connection.PrepareStatement("select id,guid,data from LocalUsersv2 where guid=@guid")) { statement.TryBind("@guid", guid); foreach (var row in statement.ExecuteQuery()) { return GetUser(row); } } return null; } private User GetUser(IReadOnlyList row) { var id = row[0].ToInt64(); var guid = row[1].ReadGuidFromBlob(); var user = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(row[2].ToBlob(), _jsonOptions); user.InternalId = id; user.Id = guid; return user; } /// /// Retrieve all users from the database /// /// IEnumerable{User}. public List RetrieveAllUsers() { using (var connection = GetConnection(true)) { return new List(RetrieveAllUsers(connection)); } } /// /// Retrieve all users from the database /// /// IEnumerable{User}. private IEnumerable RetrieveAllUsers(ManagedConnection connection) { foreach (var row in connection.Query("select id,guid,data from LocalUsersv2")) { yield return GetUser(row); } } /// /// Deletes the user. /// /// The user. /// Task. /// user public void DeleteUser(User user) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user)); } using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.RunInTransaction(db => { using (var statement = db.PrepareStatement("delete from LocalUsersv2 where Id=@id")) { statement.TryBind("@id", user.InternalId); statement.MoveNext(); } }, TransactionMode); } } } }