name: Project Automation on: push: branches: - master pull_request_target: issue_comment: permissions: {} jobs: project: name: Project board runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ${{ github.repository == 'jellyfin/jellyfin' }} steps: - name: Remove from 'Current Release' project uses: alex-page/github-project-automation-plus@7ffb872c64bd809d23563a130a0a97d01dfa8f43 # v0.8.3 if: (github.event.pull_request || github.event.issue.pull_request) && !contains(github.event.*.labels.*.name, 'stable backport') continue-on-error: true with: project: Current Release action: delete repo-token: ${{ secrets.JF_BOT_TOKEN }} - name: Add to 'Release Next' project uses: alex-page/github-project-automation-plus@7ffb872c64bd809d23563a130a0a97d01dfa8f43 # v0.8.3 if: (github.event.pull_request || github.event.issue.pull_request) && github.event.action == 'opened' continue-on-error: true with: project: Release Next column: In progress repo-token: ${{ secrets.JF_BOT_TOKEN }} - name: Add to 'Current Release' project uses: alex-page/github-project-automation-plus@7ffb872c64bd809d23563a130a0a97d01dfa8f43 # v0.8.3 if: (github.event.pull_request || github.event.issue.pull_request) && !contains(github.event.*.labels.*.name, 'stable backport') continue-on-error: true with: project: Current Release column: In progress repo-token: ${{ secrets.JF_BOT_TOKEN }} - name: Check number of comments from the team member if: github.event.issue.pull_request == '' && github.event.comment.author_association == 'MEMBER' id: member_comments run: echo "::set-output name=number::$(curl -s ${{ github.event.issue.comments_url }} | jq '.[] | select(.author_association == "MEMBER") | .author_association' | wc -l)" - name: Move issue to needs triage uses: alex-page/github-project-automation-plus@7ffb872c64bd809d23563a130a0a97d01dfa8f43 # v0.8.3 if: github.event.issue.pull_request == '' && github.event.comment.author_association == 'MEMBER' && steps.member_comments.outputs.number <= 1 continue-on-error: true with: project: Issue Triage for Main Repo column: Needs triage repo-token: ${{ secrets.JF_BOT_TOKEN }} - name: Add issue to triage project uses: alex-page/github-project-automation-plus@7ffb872c64bd809d23563a130a0a97d01dfa8f43 # v0.8.3 if: github.event.issue.pull_request == '' && github.event.action == 'opened' continue-on-error: true with: project: Issue Triage for Main Repo column: Pending response repo-token: ${{ secrets.JF_BOT_TOKEN }}