using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Rssdp.Infrastructure { /// /// Allows you to search the network for a particular device, device types, or UPnP service types. Also listenings for broadcast notifications of device availability and raises events to indicate changes in status. /// public abstract class SsdpDeviceLocatorBase : DisposableManagedObjectBase, ISsdpDeviceLocator { #region Fields & Constants private List _Devices; private ISsdpCommunicationsServer _CommunicationsServer; private IList _SearchResults; private object _SearchResultsSynchroniser; private System.Threading.Timer _ExpireCachedDevicesTimer; private const string HttpURequestMessageFormat = @"{0} * HTTP/1.1 HOST: {1}:{2} MAN: ""{3}"" MX: {5} ST: {4} "; private static readonly TimeSpan DefaultSearchWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4); private static readonly TimeSpan OneSecond = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); #endregion #region Constructors /// /// Default constructor. /// /// The implementation to use for network communications. protected SsdpDeviceLocatorBase(ISsdpCommunicationsServer communicationsServer) { if (communicationsServer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("communicationsServer"); _CommunicationsServer = communicationsServer; _CommunicationsServer.ResponseReceived += CommsServer_ResponseReceived; _SearchResultsSynchroniser = new object(); _Devices = new List(); } #endregion #region Events /// /// Raised for when /// /// An 'alive' notification is received that a device, regardless of whether or not that device is not already in the cache or has previously raised this event. /// For each item found during a device (cached or not), allowing clients to respond to found devices before the entire search is complete. /// Only if the notification type matches the property. By default the filter is null, meaning all notifications raise events (regardless of ant /// /// This event may be raised from a background thread, if interacting with UI or other objects with specific thread affinity invoking to the relevant thread is required. /// /// /// /// /// public event EventHandler DeviceAvailable; /// /// Raised when a notification is received that indicates a device has shutdown or otherwise become unavailable. /// /// /// Devices *should* broadcast these types of notifications, but not all devices do and sometimes (in the event of power loss for example) it might not be possible for a device to do so. You should also implement error handling when trying to contact a device, even if RSSDP is reporting that device as available. /// This event is only raised if the notification type matches the property. A null or empty string for the will be treated as no filter and raise the event for all notifications. /// The property may contain either a fully complete instance, or one containing just a USN and NotificationType property. Full information is available if the device was previously discovered and cached, but only partial information if a byebye notification was received for a previously unseen or expired device. /// This event may be raised from a background thread, if interacting with UI or other objects with specific thread affinity invoking to the relevant thread is required. /// /// /// /// /// public event EventHandler DeviceUnavailable; #endregion #region Public Methods #region Search Overloads /// /// Performs a search for all devices using the default search timeout. /// /// A task whose result is an of instances, representing all found devices. public Task> SearchAsync() { return SearchAsync(SsdpConstants.SsdpDiscoverAllSTHeader, DefaultSearchWaitTime); } /// /// Performs a search for the specified search target (criteria) and default search timeout. /// /// The criteria for the search. Value can be; /// /// Root devicesupnp:rootdevice /// Specific device by UUIDuuid:<device uuid> /// Device typeFully qualified device type starting with urn: i.e urn:schemas-upnp-org:Basic:1 /// /// /// A task whose result is an of instances, representing all found devices. public Task> SearchAsync(string searchTarget) { return SearchAsync(searchTarget, DefaultSearchWaitTime); } /// /// Performs a search for all devices using the specified search timeout. /// /// The amount of time to wait for network responses to the search request. Longer values will likely return more devices, but increase search time. A value between 1 and 5 seconds is recommended by the UPnP 1.1 specification, this method requires the value be greater 1 second if it is not zero. Specify TimeSpan.Zero to return only devices already in the cache. /// A task whose result is an of instances, representing all found devices. public Task> SearchAsync(TimeSpan searchWaitTime) { return SearchAsync(SsdpConstants.SsdpDiscoverAllSTHeader, searchWaitTime); } /// /// Performs a search for the specified search target (criteria) and search timeout. /// /// The criteria for the search. Value can be; /// /// Root devicesupnp:rootdevice /// Specific device by UUIDuuid:<device uuid> /// Device typeA device namespace and type in format of urn:<device namespace>:device:<device type>:<device version> i.e urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1 /// Service typeA service namespace and type in format of urn:<service namespace>:service:<servicetype>:<service version> i.e urn:my-namespace:service:MyCustomService:1 /// /// /// The amount of time to wait for network responses to the search request. Longer values will likely return more devices, but increase search time. A value between 1 and 5 seconds is recommended by the UPnP 1.1 specification, this method requires the value be greater 1 second if it is not zero. Specify TimeSpan.Zero to return only devices already in the cache. /// /// By design RSSDP does not support 'publishing services' as it is intended for use with non-standard UPnP devices that don't publish UPnP style services. However, it is still possible to use RSSDP to search for devices implemetning these services if you know the service type. /// /// A task whose result is an of instances, representing all found devices. [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1804:RemoveUnusedLocals", MessageId = "expireTask", Justification = "Task is not actually required, but capturing to local variable suppresses compiler warning")] public async Task> SearchAsync(string searchTarget, TimeSpan searchWaitTime) { if (searchTarget == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("searchTarget"); if (searchTarget.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("searchTarget cannot be an empty string.", "searchTarget"); if (searchWaitTime.TotalSeconds < 0) throw new ArgumentException("searchWaitTime must be a positive time."); if (searchWaitTime.TotalSeconds > 0 && searchWaitTime.TotalSeconds <= 1) throw new ArgumentException("searchWaitTime must be zero (if you are not using the result and relying entirely in the events), or greater than one second."); ThrowIfDisposed(); if (_SearchResults != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Search already in progress. Only one search at a time is allowed."); _SearchResults = new List(); // If searchWaitTime == 0 then we are only going to report unexpired cached items, not actually do a search. if (searchWaitTime > TimeSpan.Zero) await BroadcastDiscoverMessage(searchTarget, SearchTimeToMXValue(searchWaitTime)).ConfigureAwait(false); await Task.Run(() => { lock (_SearchResultsSynchroniser) { foreach (var device in GetUnexpiredDevices().Where((d) => NotificationTypeMatchesFilter(d))) { if (this.IsDisposed) return; DeviceFound(device, false); } } }).ConfigureAwait(false); if (searchWaitTime != TimeSpan.Zero) await Task.Delay(searchWaitTime); IEnumerable retVal = null; try { lock (_SearchResultsSynchroniser) { retVal = _SearchResults; _SearchResults = null; } var expireTask = RemoveExpiredDevicesFromCacheAsync(); } finally { var server = _CommunicationsServer; try { if (server != null) // In case we were disposed while searching. server.StopListeningForResponses(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } } return retVal; } #endregion /// /// Starts listening for broadcast notifications of service availability. /// /// /// When called the system will listen for 'alive' and 'byebye' notifications. This can speed up searching, as well as provide dynamic notification of new devices appearing on the network, and previously discovered devices disappearing. /// /// /// /// /// Throw if the ty is true. public void StartListeningForNotifications() { ThrowIfDisposed(); _CommunicationsServer.RequestReceived -= CommsServer_RequestReceived; _CommunicationsServer.RequestReceived += CommsServer_RequestReceived; _CommunicationsServer.BeginListeningForBroadcasts(); } /// /// Stops listening for broadcast notifications of service availability. /// /// /// Does nothing if this instance is not already listening for notifications. /// /// /// /// /// Throw if the property is true. public void StopListeningForNotifications() { ThrowIfDisposed(); _CommunicationsServer.RequestReceived -= CommsServer_RequestReceived; } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// A representing the device that is now available. /// True if the device was not currently in the cahce before this event was raised. /// protected virtual void OnDeviceAvailable(DiscoveredSsdpDevice device, bool isNewDevice) { if (this.IsDisposed) return; var handlers = this.DeviceAvailable; if (handlers != null) handlers(this, new DeviceAvailableEventArgs(device, isNewDevice)); } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// A representing the device that is no longer available. /// True if the device expired from the cache without being renewed, otherwise false to indicate the device explicitly notified us it was being shutdown. /// protected virtual void OnDeviceUnavailable(DiscoveredSsdpDevice device, bool expired) { if (this.IsDisposed) return; var handlers = this.DeviceUnavailable; if (handlers != null) handlers(this, new DeviceUnavailableEventArgs(device, expired)); } #endregion #region Public Properties /// /// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a search is currently in progress. /// /// /// Only one search can be performed at a time, per instance. /// public bool IsSearching { get { return _SearchResults != null; } } /// /// Sets or returns a string containing the filter for notifications. Notifications not matching the filter will not raise the or events. /// /// /// Device alive/byebye notifications whose NT header does not match this filter value will still be captured and cached internally, but will not raise events about device availability. Usually used with either a device type of uuid NT header value. /// If the value is null or empty string then, all notifications are reported. /// Example filters follow; /// upnp:rootdevice /// urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1 /// uuid:9F15356CC-95FA-572E-0E99-85B456BD3012 /// /// /// /// /// public string NotificationFilter { get; set; } #endregion #region Overrides /// /// Disposes this object and all internal resources. Stops listening for all network messages. /// /// True if managed resources should be disposed, or false is only unmanaged resources should be cleaned up. protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { var timer = _ExpireCachedDevicesTimer; if (timer != null) timer.Dispose(); var commsServer = _CommunicationsServer; _CommunicationsServer = null; if (commsServer != null) { commsServer.ResponseReceived -= this.CommsServer_ResponseReceived; commsServer.RequestReceived -= this.CommsServer_RequestReceived; if (!commsServer.IsShared) commsServer.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region Private Methods #region Discovery/Device Add private void AddOrUpdateDiscoveredDevice(DiscoveredSsdpDevice device) { bool isNewDevice = false; lock (_Devices) { var existingDevice = FindExistingDeviceNotification(_Devices, device.NotificationType, device.Usn); if (existingDevice == null) { _Devices.Add(device); isNewDevice = true; } else { _Devices.Remove(existingDevice); _Devices.Add(device); } } DeviceFound(device, isNewDevice); } private void DeviceFound(DiscoveredSsdpDevice device, bool isNewDevice) { // Don't raise the event if we've already done it for a cached // version of this device, and the cached version isn't // "significantly" different, i.e location and cachelifetime // haven't changed. var raiseEvent = false; if (!NotificationTypeMatchesFilter(device)) return; lock (_SearchResultsSynchroniser) { if (_SearchResults != null) { var existingDevice = FindExistingDeviceNotification(_SearchResults, device.NotificationType, device.Usn); if (existingDevice == null) { _SearchResults.Add(device); raiseEvent = true; } else { if (existingDevice.DescriptionLocation != device.DescriptionLocation || existingDevice.CacheLifetime != device.CacheLifetime) { _SearchResults.Remove(existingDevice); _SearchResults.Add(device); raiseEvent = true; } } } else raiseEvent = true; } if (raiseEvent) OnDeviceAvailable(device, isNewDevice); } private bool NotificationTypeMatchesFilter(DiscoveredSsdpDevice device) { return String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.NotificationFilter) || this.NotificationFilter == SsdpConstants.SsdpDiscoverAllSTHeader || device.NotificationType == this.NotificationFilter; } #endregion #region Network Message Processing private static byte[] BuildDiscoverMessage(string serviceType, TimeSpan mxValue) { return System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( String.Format(HttpURequestMessageFormat, SsdpConstants.MSearchMethod, SsdpConstants.MulticastLocalAdminAddress, SsdpConstants.MulticastPort, SsdpConstants.SsdpDiscoverMessage, serviceType, mxValue.TotalSeconds ) ); } private Task BroadcastDiscoverMessage(string serviceType, TimeSpan mxValue) { var broadcastMessage = BuildDiscoverMessage(serviceType, mxValue); return _CommunicationsServer.SendMulticastMessage(broadcastMessage); } private void ProcessSearchResponseMessage(HttpResponseMessage message) { if (!message.IsSuccessStatusCode) return; var location = GetFirstHeaderUriValue("Location", message); if (location != null) { var device = new DiscoveredSsdpDevice() { DescriptionLocation = location, Usn = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("USN", message), NotificationType = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("ST", message), CacheLifetime = CacheAgeFromHeader(message.Headers.CacheControl), AsAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ResponseHeaders = message.Headers }; AddOrUpdateDiscoveredDevice(device); } } private void ProcessNotificationMessage(HttpRequestMessage message) { if (String.Compare(message.Method.Method, "Notify", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) return; var notificationType = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("NTS", message); if (String.Compare(notificationType, SsdpConstants.SsdpKeepAliveNotification, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) ProcessAliveNotification(message); else if (String.Compare(notificationType, SsdpConstants.SsdpByeByeNotification, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) ProcessByeByeNotification(message); } private void ProcessAliveNotification(HttpRequestMessage message) { var location = GetFirstHeaderUriValue("Location", message); if (location != null) { var device = new DiscoveredSsdpDevice() { DescriptionLocation = location, Usn = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("USN", message), NotificationType = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("NT", message), CacheLifetime = CacheAgeFromHeader(message.Headers.CacheControl), AsAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ResponseHeaders = message.Headers }; AddOrUpdateDiscoveredDevice(device); ResetExpireCachedDevicesTimer(); } } private void ProcessByeByeNotification(HttpRequestMessage message) { var notficationType = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("NT", message); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(notficationType)) { var usn = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("USN", message); if (!DeviceDied(usn, false)) { var deadDevice = new DiscoveredSsdpDevice() { AsAt = DateTime.UtcNow, CacheLifetime = TimeSpan.Zero, DescriptionLocation = null, NotificationType = GetFirstHeaderStringValue("NT", message), Usn = usn, ResponseHeaders = message.Headers }; if (NotificationTypeMatchesFilter(deadDevice)) OnDeviceUnavailable(deadDevice, false); } ResetExpireCachedDevicesTimer(); } } private void ResetExpireCachedDevicesTimer() { if (IsDisposed) return; if (_ExpireCachedDevicesTimer == null) _ExpireCachedDevicesTimer = new Timer(this.ExpireCachedDevices, null, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); _ExpireCachedDevicesTimer.Change(60000, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); } private void ExpireCachedDevices(object state) { RemoveExpiredDevicesFromCache(); } #region Header/Message Processing Utilities private static string GetFirstHeaderStringValue(string headerName, HttpResponseMessage message) { string retVal = null; IEnumerable values; if (message.Headers.Contains(headerName)) { message.Headers.TryGetValues(headerName, out values); if (values != null) retVal = values.FirstOrDefault(); } return retVal; } private static string GetFirstHeaderStringValue(string headerName, HttpRequestMessage message) { string retVal = null; IEnumerable values; if (message.Headers.Contains(headerName)) { message.Headers.TryGetValues(headerName, out values); if (values != null) retVal = values.FirstOrDefault(); } return retVal; } private static Uri GetFirstHeaderUriValue(string headerName, HttpRequestMessage request) { string value = null; IEnumerable values; if (request.Headers.Contains(headerName)) { request.Headers.TryGetValues(headerName, out values); if (values != null) value = values.FirstOrDefault(); } Uri retVal; Uri.TryCreate(value, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out retVal); return retVal; } private static Uri GetFirstHeaderUriValue(string headerName, HttpResponseMessage response) { string value = null; IEnumerable values; if (response.Headers.Contains(headerName)) { response.Headers.TryGetValues(headerName, out values); if (values != null) value = values.FirstOrDefault(); } Uri retVal; Uri.TryCreate(value, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out retVal); return retVal; } private static TimeSpan CacheAgeFromHeader(System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue headerValue) { if (headerValue == null) return TimeSpan.Zero; return (TimeSpan)(headerValue.MaxAge ?? headerValue.SharedMaxAge ?? TimeSpan.Zero); } #endregion #endregion #region Expiry and Device Removal private Task RemoveExpiredDevicesFromCacheAsync() { return Task.Run(() => { RemoveExpiredDevicesFromCache(); }); } private void RemoveExpiredDevicesFromCache() { if (this.IsDisposed) return; IEnumerable expiredDevices = null; lock (_Devices) { expiredDevices = (from device in _Devices where device.IsExpired() select device).ToArray(); foreach (var device in expiredDevices) { if (this.IsDisposed) return; _Devices.Remove(device); } } // Don't do this inside lock because DeviceDied raises an event // which means public code may execute during lock and cause // problems. foreach (var expiredUsn in (from expiredDevice in expiredDevices select expiredDevice.Usn).Distinct()) { if (this.IsDisposed) return; DeviceDied(expiredUsn, true); } } private IEnumerable GetUnexpiredDevices() { lock (_Devices) { return (from device in _Devices where !device.IsExpired() select device).ToArray(); } } private bool DeviceDied(string deviceUsn, bool expired) { IEnumerable existingDevices = null; lock (_Devices) { existingDevices = FindExistingDeviceNotifications(_Devices, deviceUsn); foreach (var existingDevice in existingDevices) { if (this.IsDisposed) return true; _Devices.Remove(existingDevice); } } if (existingDevices != null && existingDevices.Any()) { lock (_SearchResultsSynchroniser) { if (_SearchResults != null) { var resultsToRemove = (from result in _SearchResults where result.Usn == deviceUsn select result).ToArray(); foreach (var result in resultsToRemove) { if (this.IsDisposed) return true; _SearchResults.Remove(result); } } } foreach (var removedDevice in existingDevices) { if (NotificationTypeMatchesFilter(removedDevice)) OnDeviceUnavailable(removedDevice, expired); } return true; } return false; } #endregion private static TimeSpan SearchTimeToMXValue(TimeSpan searchWaitTime) { if (searchWaitTime.TotalSeconds < 2 || searchWaitTime == TimeSpan.Zero) return OneSecond; else return searchWaitTime.Subtract(OneSecond); } private static DiscoveredSsdpDevice FindExistingDeviceNotification(IEnumerable devices, string notificationType, string usn) { return (from d in devices where d.NotificationType == notificationType && d.Usn == usn select d).FirstOrDefault(); } private static IEnumerable FindExistingDeviceNotifications(IList devices, string usn) { return (from d in devices where d.Usn == usn select d).ToArray(); } #endregion #region Event Handlers private void CommsServer_ResponseReceived(object sender, ResponseReceivedEventArgs e) { ProcessSearchResponseMessage(e.Message); } private void CommsServer_RequestReceived(object sender, RequestReceivedEventArgs e) { ProcessNotificationMessage(e.Message); } #endregion } }