using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Jellyfin.Api.Constants; using Jellyfin.Api.Extensions; using Jellyfin.Api.Helpers; using Jellyfin.Api.Models.StreamingDtos; using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Devices; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dlna; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Net; using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna; using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Model.IO; using MediaBrowser.Model.MediaInfo; using MediaBrowser.Model.Net; using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; namespace Jellyfin.Api.Controllers { /// /// The videos controller. /// public class VideosController : BaseJellyfinApiController { private readonly ILibraryManager _libraryManager; private readonly IUserManager _userManager; private readonly IDtoService _dtoService; private readonly IDlnaManager _dlnaManager; private readonly IAuthorizationContext _authContext; private readonly IMediaSourceManager _mediaSourceManager; private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _serverConfigurationManager; private readonly IMediaEncoder _mediaEncoder; private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem; private readonly ISubtitleEncoder _subtitleEncoder; private readonly IConfiguration _configuration; private readonly IDeviceManager _deviceManager; private readonly TranscodingJobHelper _transcodingJobHelper; private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory; private readonly TranscodingJobType _transcodingJobType = TranscodingJobType.Progressive; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the interface. /// Instance of the class. /// Instance of the interface. public VideosController( ILibraryManager libraryManager, IUserManager userManager, IDtoService dtoService, IDlnaManager dlnaManager, IAuthorizationContext authContext, IMediaSourceManager mediaSourceManager, IServerConfigurationManager serverConfigurationManager, IMediaEncoder mediaEncoder, IFileSystem fileSystem, ISubtitleEncoder subtitleEncoder, IConfiguration configuration, IDeviceManager deviceManager, TranscodingJobHelper transcodingJobHelper, IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory) { _libraryManager = libraryManager; _userManager = userManager; _dtoService = dtoService; _dlnaManager = dlnaManager; _authContext = authContext; _mediaSourceManager = mediaSourceManager; _serverConfigurationManager = serverConfigurationManager; _mediaEncoder = mediaEncoder; _fileSystem = fileSystem; _subtitleEncoder = subtitleEncoder; _configuration = configuration; _deviceManager = deviceManager; _transcodingJobHelper = transcodingJobHelper; _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory; } /// /// Gets additional parts for a video. /// /// The item id. /// Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. /// Additional parts returned. /// A with the parts. [HttpGet("{itemId}/AdditionalParts")] [Authorize(Policy = Policies.DefaultAuthorization)] [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)] public ActionResult> GetAdditionalPart([FromRoute] Guid itemId, [FromQuery] Guid? userId) { var user = userId.HasValue && !userId.Equals(Guid.Empty) ? _userManager.GetUserById(userId.Value) : null; var item = itemId.Equals(Guid.Empty) ? (!userId.Equals(Guid.Empty) ? _libraryManager.GetUserRootFolder() : _libraryManager.RootFolder) : _libraryManager.GetItemById(itemId); var dtoOptions = new DtoOptions(); dtoOptions = dtoOptions.AddClientFields(Request); BaseItemDto[] items; if (item is Video video) { items = video.GetAdditionalParts() .Select(i => _dtoService.GetBaseItemDto(i, dtoOptions, user, video)) .ToArray(); } else { items = Array.Empty(); } var result = new QueryResult { Items = items, TotalRecordCount = items.Length }; return result; } /// /// Removes alternate video sources. /// /// The item id. /// Alternate sources deleted. /// Video not found. /// A indicating success, or a if the video doesn't exist. [HttpDelete("{itemId}/AlternateSources")] [Authorize(Policy = Policies.RequiresElevation)] [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)] [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)] public ActionResult DeleteAlternateSources([FromRoute] Guid itemId) { var video = (Video)_libraryManager.GetItemById(itemId); if (video == null) { return NotFound("The video either does not exist or the id does not belong to a video."); } foreach (var link in video.GetLinkedAlternateVersions()) { link.SetPrimaryVersionId(null); link.LinkedAlternateVersions = Array.Empty(); link.UpdateToRepository(ItemUpdateType.MetadataEdit, CancellationToken.None); } video.LinkedAlternateVersions = Array.Empty(); video.SetPrimaryVersionId(null); video.UpdateToRepository(ItemUpdateType.MetadataEdit, CancellationToken.None); return NoContent(); } /// /// Merges videos into a single record. /// /// Item id list. This allows multiple, comma delimited. /// Videos merged. /// Supply at least 2 video ids. /// A indicating success, or a if less than two ids were supplied. [HttpPost("MergeVersions")] [Authorize(Policy = Policies.RequiresElevation)] [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status204NoContent)] [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest)] public ActionResult MergeVersions([FromQuery, Required] string? itemIds) { var items = RequestHelpers.Split(itemIds, ',', true) .Select(i => _libraryManager.GetItemById(i)) .OfType