#!/usr/bin/env bash source ../common.build.sh ARCH="$( arch )" WORKDIR="$( pwd )" package_temporary_dir="${WORKDIR}/pkg-dist-tmp" output_dir="${WORKDIR}/pkg-dist" current_user="$( whoami )" image_name="jellyfin-ubuntu_armhf-build" # Determine if sudo should be used for Docker if [[ ! -z $(id -Gn | grep -q 'docker') ]] \ && [[ ! ${EUID:-1000} -eq 0 ]] \ && [[ ! ${USER} == "root" ]] \ && [[ ! -z $( echo "${OSTYPE}" | grep -q "darwin" ) ]]; then docker_sudo="sudo" else docker_sudo="" fi # Determine which Dockerfile to use case $ARCH in 'x86_64') DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile.amd64" ;; 'armv7l') DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile.armhf" ;; esac # Prepare temporary package dir mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}" # Set up the build environment Docker image ${docker_sudo} docker build ../.. -t "${image_name}" -f ./${DOCKERFILE} # Build the DEBs and copy out to ${package_temporary_dir} ${docker_sudo} docker run --rm -v "${package_temporary_dir}:/dist" "${image_name}" # Move the DEBs to the output directory mkdir -p "${output_dir}" mv "${package_temporary_dir}"/deb/* "${output_dir}"