using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using MediaBrowser.Common.Json.Converters; namespace MediaBrowser.Common.Json { /// /// Helper class for having compatible JSON throughout the codebase. /// public static class JsonDefaults { /// /// Pascal case json profile media type. /// public const string PascalCaseMediaType = "application/json; profile=\"PascalCase\""; /// /// Camel case json profile media type. /// public const string CamelCaseMediaType = "application/json; profile=\"CamelCase\""; /// /// Gets the default options. /// /// /// When changing these options, update /// Jellyfin.Server/Extensions/ApiServiceCollectionExtensions.cs /// -> AddJellyfinApi /// -> AddJsonOptions. /// /// The default options. public static JsonSerializerOptions GetOptions() { var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { ReadCommentHandling = JsonCommentHandling.Disallow, WriteIndented = false, DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull, NumberHandling = JsonNumberHandling.AllowReadingFromString }; // Get built-in converters for fallback converting. var baseNullableInt32Converter = (JsonConverter)options.GetConverter(typeof(int?)); var baseNullableInt64Converter = (JsonConverter)options.GetConverter(typeof(long?)); options.Converters.Add(new JsonGuidConverter()); options.Converters.Add(new JsonStringEnumConverter()); options.Converters.Add(new JsonNullableStructConverter(baseNullableInt32Converter)); options.Converters.Add(new JsonNullableStructConverter(baseNullableInt64Converter)); return options; } /// /// Gets camelCase json options. /// /// The camelCase options. public static JsonSerializerOptions GetCamelCaseOptions() { var options = GetOptions(); options.PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase; return options; } /// /// Gets PascalCase json options. /// /// The PascalCase options. public static JsonSerializerOptions GetPascalCaseOptions() { var options = GetOptions(); options.PropertyNamingPolicy = null; return options; } } }