terminal: Change input handling

1. Handle page up / down for scrolling terminal history
2. Handle repeat keypresses, so e.g. holding pgdn will scroll
3. _input is passed a single event, so we save some CPU cycles by using
   `elif` for all branches
This commit is contained in:
Morten Minde Neergaard 2022-11-03 08:44:33 +01:00 committed by blinry
parent 88eeef9a68
commit c64e8f276a

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@ -45,29 +45,14 @@ func _ready():
history_position = game.state["history"].size()
func _input(event):
if not input.has_focus():
if not input.has_focus() or not event.is_pressed():
if game.state["history"].size() > 0:
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
if history_position > 0:
history_position -= 1
input.text = game.state["history"][history_position]
input.caret_position = input.text.length()
# This prevents the Input taking the arrow as a "skip to beginning" command.
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):
if history_position < game.state["history"].size()-1:
history_position += 1
input.text = game.state["history"][history_position]
input.caret_position = input.text.length()
if event.is_action_pressed("tab_complete"):
if event.is_action("tab_complete"):
if completions.visible:
if event.is_action_pressed("delete_word"):
elif event.is_action("delete_word"):
var first_half = input.text.substr(0,input.caret_position)
var second_half = input.text.substr(input.caret_position)
@ -77,9 +62,32 @@ func _input(event):
input.caret_position = idx+1
input.text = "" + second_half
if event.is_action_pressed("clear"):
elif event.is_action("clear"):
elif event.is_action("ui_page_up"):
var scroll = output.get_v_scroll()
scroll.set_value(scroll.value - output.get_rect().size.y / 2)
elif event.is_action("ui_page_down"):
var scroll = output.get_v_scroll()
scroll.set_value(scroll.value + output.get_rect().size.y / 2)
elif game.state["history"].size() > 0:
if event.is_action("ui_up"):
if history_position > 0:
history_position -= 1
input.text = game.state["history"][history_position]
input.caret_position = input.text.length()
# This prevents the Input taking the arrow as a "skip to beginning" command.
elif event.is_action("ui_down"):
if history_position < game.state["history"].size():
history_position += 1
if history_position == game.state["history"].size():
input.text = ""
input.text = game.state["history"][history_position]
input.caret_position = input.text.length()
func load_command(id):
input.text = premade_commands[id]
input.caret_position = input.text.length()