title = Clear the Stash
cards = checkout commit-auto merge reset-hard


If you want to inspect your stash stack, use the command
    git stash list
Oh, you don't want to keep your stashed changes? There are way too many? Then go ahead and clear the stack with
    git stash clear
If you only want to discard a certain stash entry, you can use
    git stash drop <stash>
Clear you stash stack!



echo "Apple Pie:" > recipe

git add .
git commit -m "creating a recipe"

echo "- 4 Apples" >> recipe

git add .
git commit -m "Adding ingredients"

echo "- 500g Flour" >> recipe
git stash push

echo "- 200g Sugar" >> recipe
git stash push

echo "- Pinch of Salt" >> recipe
git stash push

git checkout main


# Did you clear your stash stack?
test "$(git stash list | wc -l)" -eq 0



All clear! :)