title = Step by step
cards = checkout


Welcome to today's lesson! Today, we're going to learn how to make commits with precision!

Have a look at these two timelines. They have exactly the same outcome. But one of them makes it much easier to figure out what happened.


echo "A small, but heavy glass ball." > ball
echo "A thin book, that's standing upright." > book
echo "A candle, burning with a blue flame." > candle

git add .
git commit -m "The beginning"

git branch -M all-at-once

echo "The ball is now touching the book." > ball
echo "The book has fallen over." > book
echo "The candle has been blown out." > candle

git commit -am "The end"

git checkout HEAD^

git checkout -b step-by-step

echo "The ball is now touching the book." > ball
git commit -am "The ball rolls towards the book"

echo "The book has fallen over." > book
git commit -am "The book falls over"

echo "The candle has been blown out." > candle
git commit -am "The book blows out the candle"

git checkout HEAD~3


# This level doesn't have a goal yet.