title = A normal day cards = [description] You're working on an essay about goldfish! Your current version is already quite nice, but needs a bit more work. [congrats] Suddenly, your cat jumps on your keyboard, deletes what you've written, and runs away! Oh no. :( Just look at it now! All your hard work, destroyed! You decide to be more careful in the future. (Click "Next Level" as soon as you're ready!) [setup] rm -rf .git echo "~ Why are the best pets ~ - They are pretty. - They don't pee on the carpet. - They don't make any noise." >> essay.txt echo "Your cat is sitting next to you, watching you intensely. It's small, black, and very cute!" > cat [actions] test "$(cat essay.txt | wc -l )" -ge 7 && echo "~ Why goldfish are the best pets ~ - asdijwrlj - they - are - delicious - adfkafkasdufyasfiudasd" > essay.txt && rm -f cat [win] # Add two more lines to essay.txt! test "$(cat essay.txt | wc -l )" -ge 7