title = Abort a merge
cards = checkout commit-auto merge merge-abort


Sometimes you want to merge two commits, but a merge conflict occurs that you currently don't want to resolve.

In these situations you can abort the merge to merge later. Use
    git merge --abort
when you are in a merge process.

Try to merge both commits and abort the merge afterwards.


echo "A new day is starting" > you

git add .
git commit -m "Start"

echo "Walking down the Main Lane." >> you

git add .
git commit -m "Main Lane"

git checkout HEAD~1

echo "Walking down the Side Lane." >> you

git add .
git commit -m "Side Lane"

git checkout HEAD~1

git branch -D main


if test -f .git/MERGE_HEAD; then
    touch .git/secretfile


# You tried to merge?
test -f .git/secretfile

# You aborted to merge?
test -f .git/secretfile && ! test -f .git/MERGE_HEAD && ! git rev-parse HEAD^^


Aaah, let's merge later...