title = Working together
cards = clone checkout commit-auto pull push


Let's add your name to our list of students!

I already have this list my time machine - let's work together!

Drag the "clone" card to my name to make your own copy of my timeline!


Welcome to time travel school! :) I'll see you for your first class tomorrow!


rm -rf .git

[setup teacher]

echo "~ List of current students ~" > students
git add .
git commit -m "Initial version"

echo " 
- Sam
- Alex" >> students

git add .
git commit -m "Added two students"


# Get a copy of your teacher's timeline using `git clone`!
test -d .git

# Add your name to the list of students
test "$(cat students |wc -l)" -ge 5

# Commit your result.
test "$(git show main:students |wc -l)" -ge 5

[win teacher]

# And use `git push` to send it to your teacher!
test "$(git show main:students |wc -l)" -ge 5