extends Control var thread var history = [] var history_position = 0 onready var input = $Control/Input onready var output = $Control/Output onready var repo = $"../Repositories/ActiveRepository" func _ready(): repo.shell.connect("output", self, "receive_output") func _input(event): if history.size() > 0: if event.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): if history_position > 0: history_position -= 1 input.text = history[history_position] input.caret_position = input.text.length() # This prevents the Input taking the arrow as a "skip to beginning" command. get_tree().set_input_as_handled() if event.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): if history_position < history.size()-1: history_position += 1 input.text = history[history_position] input.caret_position = input.text.length() get_tree().set_input_as_handled() func send_command(command): history.push_back(command) history_position = history.size() thread = Thread.new() thread.start(self, "run_command_in_a_thread", command) func send_command_async(command): repo.shell.run_async(command) input.text = "" func run_command_in_a_thread(command): var o = repo.shell.run(command) check_win_condition() input.text = "" output.text = output.text + "$ " + command + "\n" + o repo.update_everything() func receive_output(text): output.text += text func check_win_condition(): print( repo.shell.run("bash /tmp/win") )