title = Make parallel commits
cards = checkout commit-auto


Did you know that creating parallel timelines is perfectly legal and safe? It's true!

Can you find out when things went wrong in this zoo, and create a parallel universe where everyone is happy?


mkdir cage
echo "Looks very hungry." > cage/lion

echo "A small child.
It really loves cats!" > child
git add .
git commit -m "The beginning"

echo "It's holding a lollipop." >> child
git commit -am "The child buys something"

mv child cage
git add .
git commit -m "The child climbs somewhere"

git rm cage/child
echo "Looks happy. :)" > cage/lion
git add .
git commit -m "Oh no"

echo "It's sleeping." > cage/lion
git add .
git commit -m "Nap time!"

git checkout --detach
git branch -d main


# Make sure that the child is happy.
git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD | grep child

# Make sure that the lion gets something to eat.
git show HEAD:cage/lion | grep -v "very hungry"


Whew, good job! This seems like a *much* better outcome.

Feel free to add more parallel timelines, or make them longer.

If you're ready, our next mission is already waiting...