extends TextEdit signal saved var path var _server var _client_connection func _ready(): # Initialize TCP server for fake editor. _server = TCP_Server.new() _server.listen(1234, "") func _process(_delta): if _server.is_connection_available(): _client_connection = _server.take_connection() var length = _client_connection.get_u32() var _filename = _client_connection.get_string(length) length = _client_connection.get_u32() var content = _client_connection.get_string(length) open(content) func _input(event): if event.is_action_pressed("save"): save() func open(content): text = content show() grab_focus() func save(): if visible: # Add a newline to the end of the file if there is none. if text.length() > 0 and text.substr(text.length()-1, 1) != "\n": text += "\n" _client_connection.put_string(text) emit_signal("saved") close() func close(): if _client_connection and _client_connection.is_connected_to_host(): _client_connection.disconnect_from_host() text = "" hide()