title = Living dangerously
cards =


So you're working on an essay about goldfish! Your current version is already quite nice, but needs a bit more work.


Suddenly, your cat jumps on your keyboard, deletes what you've written, and runs away! Oh no. Just look at it now! All your hard work, destroyed!

You clearly need a better solution.

(Click "Next Level" as soon as you're ready!)


rm -rf .git

echo "~ Why goldfish are the best pets ~

- They are pretty.
- They don't pee on the carpet.
- They don't make any noise." >> essay.txt

echo "Your cat is sitting next to you, watching you intensely.

It's small, black, and very cute!" > cat


test "$(cat essay.txt | wc -l )" -ge 6 && echo "~ Why goldfish are the best pets ~

- asdijwrlj
- they
- are
- delicious
- adfkafkasdufyasfiudasd" > essay.txt && rm -f cat


# Add another line to essay.txt!
test "$(cat essay.txt | wc -l )" -ge 6