extends Control signal command_done var thread var history_position = 0 var git_commands = ["add", "am", "archive", "bisect", "branch", "bundle", "checkout", "cherry-pick", "citool", "clean", "clone", "commit", "describe", "diff", "fetch", "format-patch", "gc", "gitk", "grep", "gui", "init", "log", "merge", "mv", "notes", "pull", "push", "range-diff", "rebase", "reset", "restore", "revert", "rm", "shortlog", "show", "sparse-checkout", "stash", "status", "submodule", "switch", "tag", "worktree", "config", "fast-export", "fast-import", "filter-branch", "mergetool", "pack-refs", "prune", "reflog", "remote", "repack", "replace", "annotate", "blame", "bugreport", "count-objects", "difftool", "fsck", "gitweb", "help", "instaweb", "merge-tree", "rerere", "show-branch", "verify-commit", "verify-tag", "whatchanged", "archimport", "cvsexportcommit", "cvsimport", "cvsserver", "imap-send", "p", "quiltimport", "request-pull", "send-email", "svn", "apply", "checkout-index", "commit-graph", "commit-tree", "hash-object", "index-pack", "merge-file", "merge-index", "mktag", "mktree", "multi-pack-index", "pack-objects", "prune-packed", "read-tree", "symbolic-ref", "unpack-objects", "update-index", "update-ref", "write-tree", "cat-file", "cherry", "diff-files", "diff-index", "diff-tree", "for-each-ref", "get-tar-commit-id", "ls-files", "ls-remote", "ls-tree", "merge-base", "name-rev", "pack-redundant", "rev-list", "rev-parse", "show-index", "show-ref", "unpack-file", "var", "verify-pack", "daemon", "fetch-pack", "http-backend", "send-pack", "update-server-info", "check-attr", "check-ignore", "check-mailmap", "check-ref-format", "column", "credential", "credential-cache", "credential-store", "fmt-merge-msg", "interpret-trailers", "mailinfo", "mailsplit", "merge-one-file", "patch-id", "sh-i", "sh-setup"] var git_commands_help = [] onready var input = $Rows/InputLine/Input onready var output = $Rows/TopHalf/Output onready var completions = $Rows/TopHalf/Completions #export(NodePath) var repository_path var repository onready var command_dropdown = $Rows/InputLine/CommandDropdown onready var main = get_tree().get_root().get_node("Main") var premade_commands = [ 'git commit --allow-empty -m "empty"', 'echo $RANDOM | git hash-object -w --stdin', 'git switch -c $RANDOM', ] func _ready(): #repository.shell.connect("output", self, "receive_output") for command in premade_commands: command_dropdown.get_popup().add_item(command) command_dropdown.get_popup().connect("id_pressed", self, "load_command") var error = $TextEditor.connect("hide", self, "editor_closed") if error != OK: helpers.crash("Could not connect TextEditor's hide signal") input.grab_focus() # var all_git_commands = game.global_shell.run("git help -a | grep \"^ \\+[a-z-]\\+ \" -o") # git_commands = Array(all_git_commands.split("\n")) # for i in range(git_commands.size()): # git_commands[i] = git_commands[i].strip_edges(true, true) # git_commands.pop_back() # var all_git_commands_help = game.global_shell.run("git help -a | grep \" [A-Z].\\+$\" -o") # git_commands_help = Array(all_git_commands_help.split("\n")) # for i in range(git_commands_help.size()): # git_commands_help[i] = git_commands_help[i].strip_edges(true, true) # git_commands_help.pop_back() for subcommand in git_commands: git_commands_help.push_back("") completions.hide() history_position = game.state["history"].size() func _input(event): if game.state["history"].size() > 0: if event.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): if history_position > 0: history_position -= 1 input.text = game.state["history"][history_position] input.caret_position = input.text.length() # This prevents the Input taking the arrow as a "skip to beginning" command. get_tree().set_input_as_handled() if event.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): if history_position < game.state["history"].size()-1: history_position += 1 input.text = game.state["history"][history_position] input.caret_position = input.text.length() get_tree().set_input_as_handled() if event.is_action_pressed("tab_complete"): if completions.visible: completions.get_root().get_children().select(0) get_tree().set_input_as_handled() if event.is_action_pressed("delete_word"): var first_half = input.text.substr(0,input.caret_position) var second_half = input.text.substr(input.caret_position) var idx = first_half.strip_edges(false, true).find_last(" ") if idx > 0: input.text = first_half.substr(0,idx+1) + second_half input.caret_position = idx+1 else: input.text = "" + second_half # Not currently used. :) func description_for_subcommand(subcommand): var manpage = game.global_shell.run("git help %s || true" % subcommand) var description_regex = RegEx.new() description_regex.compile("NAME\\n\\s+[^ ]+ - (.*)\\n") var regex_match = description_regex.search(manpage) if regex_match == null: return "(No description available.)" return regex_match.get_string(1) func load_command(id): input.text = premade_commands[id] input.caret_position = input.text.length() func send_command(command): game.state["history"].push_back(command) game.save_state() history_position = game.state["history"].size() input.editable = false completions.hide() if thread != null: thread.wait_to_finish() thread = Thread.new() thread.start(self, "run_command_in_a_thread", command) func send_command_async(command): #output.text += "$ "+command+"\n" input.text = "" #repository.shell.run_async(command) $TCPServer.send(command+"\n") func run_command_in_a_thread(command): var o = repository.shell.run(command, false) if repository.shell.exit_code == 0: $OkSound.pitch_scale = rand_range(0.8, 1.2) $OkSound.play() else: $ErrorSound.play() input.text = "" input.editable = true if o.length() <= 1000: output.text = output.text + "$ " + command + "\n" + o else: $Pager/Text.text = o $Pager.popup() emit_signal("command_done") #repository.update_everything() func receive_output(text): output.text += text repository.update_everything() func clear(): output.text = "" func editor_closed(): input.grab_focus() func regenerate_completions_menu(new_text): var comp = generate_completions(new_text) completions.clear() var filtered_comp = [] for c in comp: if c != new_text: filtered_comp.push_back(c) if filtered_comp.size() == 0: completions.hide() else: completions.show() var _root = completions.create_item() for c in filtered_comp: var child = completions.create_item() child.set_text(0, c) if c.split(" ").size() >= 2: var subcommand = c.split(" ")[1] var idx = git_commands.find(subcommand) if idx >= 0: child.set_text(1, git_commands_help[idx]) completions.margin_top = -min(filtered_comp.size() * 35 + 10, 210) func relevant_subcommands(): var result = {} for h in game.state["history"]: var parts = Array(h.split(" ")) if parts[0] == "git": var subcommand = parts[1] if git_commands.has(subcommand): if not result.has(subcommand): result[subcommand] = 0 result[subcommand] += 1 # Convert to format [["add", 3], ["pull", 5]]. var result_array = [] for r in result: result_array.push_back([r, result[r]]) result_array.sort_custom(self, "sort_by_frequency_desc") var plain_result = [] for r in result_array: plain_result.push_back(r[0]) return plain_result func sort_by_frequency_desc(a, b): return a[1] > b[1] func generate_completions(command): var results = [] # Collect git commands. if command.substr(0, 4) == "git ": var rest = command.substr(4) var subcommands = relevant_subcommands() for sc in subcommands: if sc.substr(0, rest.length()) == rest: results.push_back("git "+sc) # Part 1: Only autocomplete after git subcommand. # Part2: Prevent autocompletion to only show filename at the beginning of a command. if !(command.substr(0,4) == "git " and command.split(" ").size() <= 2) and command.split(" ").size() > 1: var last_word = Array(command.split(" ")).pop_back() var file_string = repository.shell.run("find . -type f") var files = file_string.split("\n") files = Array(files) # The last entry is an empty string, remove it. files.pop_back() for file_path in files: file_path = file_path.substr(2) if file_path.substr(0,4) != ".git" and file_path.substr(0,last_word.length()) == last_word: results.push_back(command+file_path.substr(last_word.length())) return results func _input_changed(new_text): call_deferred("regenerate_completions_menu", new_text) func _completion_selected(): var item = completions.get_selected() input.text = item.get_text(0) input.emit_signal("text_changed", input.text) #completions.hide() input.grab_focus() input.caret_position = input.text.length() func editor_saved(): emit_signal("command_done")