title = Unexpected Visitors cards = checkout commit-auto reset-hard file-new file-delete [description] *ring ring* Oh no! You wanted to meet with your parents in your student apartment and your alarm did not go off in time to clean your room! "Coming!" you yell while you jump out of bed. Now quick! Remove all litter and trash you can find by using `rm [file]` and commit your changes. [setup] echo Very smelly socks. > socks echo A tiny couch table. > table echo An empty energy drink can. > can echo An empty bag of chips. > bag_of_chips git add . git commit -m "weekend" [win] NUM_FILES="$(git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD | wc -l)" test "$NUM_FILES" -eq 1 && test "$(git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD)" = "table" [congrats] Your parents are happy to see you (and of course your neat and tidy apartment)!