title = A better way cards = init commit-auto [description] One month later, you're woking on an essay about tardigrades! This time, a friend has recommended that you use the version control system Git to keep backups of your file. Currently, your directory only contains your essay. To initialize a Git repository in your directory, use the `init` card! Then, each time you want to make a backup, use the `commit` card! That way, you've made a backup of the current version of the file. [setup] rm -rf .git echo "~ Why tardigrades are cool ~ - They can survive in space. - They are resistant to extreme heat and cold." > essay.txt [win] # Initialize a Git repository test -d .git # And make another commit test -d .git && git rev-parse HEAD^ # Add at least two more lines. test "$(git show HEAD:essay.txt | wc -l)" -ge 6