[description] A commit can have multiple parents! You can specify the -p option multiple times, like this: git commit-tree <tree> -m "Description" -p <parent1> -p <parent2> Build a rhombus shape from commits, where two commits point to the same parent, and then a fourth commit points to both of them. [setup] [setup goal] TREE=$(git write-tree) SOUTH=$(git commit-tree $TREE -m "South") EAST=$(git commit-tree $TREE -m "East" -p $SOUTH) WEST=$(git commit-tree $TREE -m "West" -p $SOUTH) NORTH=$(git commit-tree $TREE -m "Nort" -p $EAST -p $WEST) [win] COMMITS=$(git cat-file --batch-check='%(objectname) %(objecttype)' --batch-all-objects | grep commit | cut -f1 -d" ") for COMMIT in $COMMITS; do # My first parent's parents has to be the same as my second parent's parent. if [ "$(git rev-parse --verify -q $COMMIT^1^)" = "$(git rev-parse --verify -q $COMMIT^2^)" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1