title = This is the level's title


This text will be shown when the level starts.

It describes the task or puzzle the player can solve.


This text will be shown after the player has solved the level.

Can contain additional information, or bonus exercises.


# Bash commands that set up the initial state of the level. An initial
# `git init` is always done automatically. The default branch is called `main`.

echo You > people_who_are_awesome
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"


# Bash commands that check whether the level is solved. Write these as if you're
# writing the body of a Bash function. Make the function return 0 if it's
# solved, and a non-zero value otherwise. You can use `return`, and also, Bash
# functions return the exit code of the last statement, which sometimes allows
# very succinct checks.

# Check whether the file has at least two lines in the latest commit:
test "$(git show HEAD:people_who_are_awesome | wc -l)" -ge 2