title = Interior design
cards = file-new file-delete


Now that your room looks tidy, you can start to unpack your stuff. You brought two new pieces of furniture with you and with a bright smile,
you see that their colors match the color of your bed!

Build up your two pieces of furniture by playing the touch card.
Then name your furniture - you can choose whatever you like.

Make sure the colors match! You can find the bed's color in it's description.
Don't forget to add a color and description to your new furnitures, too!


echo A yellow cozy bed. > bed


# Add two more pieces of furniture
NUM_FILES="$(ls | wc -l)"
test "$NUM_FILES" -ge 3

# Make sure the colors match your bed's color.
NUM_FILES="$(ls | wc -l)"
YELLOW_FILES="$(grep -li yellow * | wc -l)"
test "$NUM_FILES" -ge 2 && test "$YELLOW_FILES" = "$NUM_FILES"


Don't you immediately feel more at home?