class_name FileBrowserItem extends Control signal clicked(what) signal deleted(what) @export var label: String: set = _set_label var type = "file" var repository @onready var label_node = $VBoxContainer/Label func _ready(): _set_label(label) #$PopupMenu.add_item("Delete file", 0) var exists_in_wd ="test -f '%s' && echo yes || echo no" % label) == "yes\n" var exists_in_index ="git ls-files --error-unmatch '%s' &>/dev/null && echo yes || echo no" % label) == "yes\n" var exists_in_head ="git cat-file -e HEAD:'%s' &>/dev/null && echo yes || echo no" % label) == "yes\n" var wd_hash ="git hash-object '%s' 2>/dev/null || true" % label) var index_hash ="git ls-files -s '%s' | cut -f2 -d' '" % label) var head_hash ="git ls-tree HEAD '%s' | cut -f1 | cut -f3 -d' '" % label) var conflict = Array(index_hash.split("\n")).size() > 2 var offset_index = 0 var offset_wd = 0 var offset = 10 if exists_in_index and exists_in_head and index_hash != head_hash: offset_index += 1 if exists_in_wd and exists_in_head and wd_hash != head_hash: offset_wd += 1 if exists_in_wd and exists_in_index and wd_hash != index_hash and offset_index == offset_wd: offset_wd += 1 $VBoxContainer/Control/Index.position.x += offset_index*offset $VBoxContainer/Control/Index.position.y -= offset_index*offset $VBoxContainer/Control/WD.position.x += offset_wd*offset $VBoxContainer/Control/WD.position.y -= offset_wd*offset if conflict: $VBoxContainer/Control/Index.self_modulate = Color(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5) $VBoxContainer/Control/HEAD.visible = exists_in_head $VBoxContainer/Control/Index.visible = exists_in_index $VBoxContainer/Control/WD.visible = exists_in_wd func _set_label(new_label): label = new_label if label_node: label_node.text = helpers.abbreviate(new_label, 30) func _gui_input(event): if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.is_pressed() and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: emit_signal("clicked", self) # if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.is_pressed() and event.button_index == BUTTON_RIGHT and status != IconStatus.REMOVED: # $PopupMenu.set_position(get_global_mouse_position()) # $PopupMenu.popup() #func _set_status(new_status): # if status_icon: # match new_status: # IconStatus.NEW: # status_icon.texture = preload("res://images/new.svg") # status_icon.modulate = Color("33BB33") # IconStatus.REMOVED: # status_icon.texture = preload("res://images/removed.svg") # status_icon.modulate = Color("D10F0F") # IconStatus.CONFLICT: # status_icon.texture = preload("res://images/conflict.svg") # status_icon.modulate = Color("DE5E09") # IconStatus.EDIT: # status_icon.texture = preload("res://images/modified.svg") # status_icon.modulate = Color("344DED") # IconStatus.UNTRACKED: # status_icon.texture = preload("res://images/untracked.svg") # status_icon.modulate = Color("9209B8") # IconStatus.NONE: # status_icon.texture = null # # status = new_status # func _popup_menu_pressed(_id): emit_signal("deleted", self)