extends Node var languages = {"en": tr("English"), "it": tr("Italian")} # Localizations allowed var os_lang = OS.get_locale_language() # Variable for game localization var tmp_prefix = OS.get_user_data_dir() + "/tmp/" var global_shell var fake_editor var dragged_object var energy = 2 var used_cards = false var current_chapter = 0 var current_level = 0 var skipped_title = false var _file = "user://savegame.json" var state = {} var mutex func _ready(): # Check if language traslation exist otherwise use the default language if not languages.keys().has(os_lang): os_lang = "en" mutex = Mutex.new() load_state() if OS.has_feature("standalone"): get_tree().set_auto_accept_quit(false) else: game.toggle_music() if OS.get_name() == "Windows": start_remote_shell() global_shell = new_shell() # var cmd = global_shell.run("echo hi") # print(cmd) # cmd = global_shell.run("seq 1 10") # print(cmd) # cmd = global_shell.run("ls") # print(cmd) # helpers.crash(":)") if global_shell.run("command -v git &>/dev/null && echo yes || echo no") == "no\n": game.skipped_title = true get_tree().change_scene("res://scenes/no_git.tscn") else: create_file_in_game_env(".gitconfig", helpers.read_file("res://scripts/gitconfig")) copy_script_to_game_env("fake-editor") copy_script_to_game_env("hint") func start_remote_shell(): var user_dir = ProjectSettings.globalize_path("user://") var script_content = helpers.read_file("res://scripts/net-test") var target_filename = user_dir + "net-test" var target_file = File.new() target_file.open(target_filename, File.WRITE) target_file.store_string(script_content) target_file.close() helpers.exec_async(_perl_executable(), [target_filename, _bash_executable()]) func _perl_executable(): if OS.get_name() == "Windows": return "dependencies/windows/git/usr/bin/perl.exe" else: return "perl" func _bash_executable(): if OS.get_name() == "Windows": return "dependencies/windows/git/usr/bin/bash.exe" else: return "bash" func shell_received(text): print(text) func _notification(what): if what == MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_WM_QUIT_REQUEST: #get_tree().quit() # default behavio get_tree().change_scene("res://scenes/survey.tscn") func copy_script_to_game_env(name): create_file_in_game_env(name, helpers.read_file("res://scripts/%s" % name)) global_shell.run("chmod u+x '%s'" % (tmp_prefix + name)) func _initial_state(): return {"history": [], "solved_levels": [], "received_hints": [], "cli_badge": [], "played_cards": []} func save_state(): var savegame = File.new() savegame.open(_file, File.WRITE) savegame.store_line(to_json(state)) savegame.close() func load_state(): var savegame = File.new() if not savegame.file_exists(_file): save_state() savegame.open(_file, File.READ) state = _initial_state() var new_state = parse_json(savegame.get_line()) for key in new_state: state[key] = new_state[key] savegame.close() # filename is relative to the tmp directory! func create_file_in_game_env(filename, content): global_shell.cd(tmp_prefix) # Quoted HERE doc doesn't do any substitutions inside. global_shell.run("cat > '%s' <<'HEREHEREHERE'\n%s\nHEREHEREHERE" % [filename, content]) func notify(text, target=null, hint_slug=null): if hint_slug: if not state.has("received_hints"): state["received_hints"] = [] if hint_slug in state["received_hints"]: return var notification = preload("res://scenes/notification.tscn").instance() notification.text = tr(text) if not target: target = get_tree().root target.call_deferred("add_child", notification) if hint_slug: state["received_hints"].push_back(hint_slug) save_state() func open_survey(): OS.shell_open("https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehHVcYfELT59h6plcn2ilbuqBcmDX3TH0qzB4jCgFIFOy_qg/viewform") func toggle_music(): var music = game.find_node("Music") if music.volume_db > -20: music.volume_db -= 100 else: music.volume_db += 100 func shell_test(command): mutex.lock() #print("go") #print(command) var before = OS.get_ticks_msec() while not $ShellServer._connected: $ShellServer._process(0.1) var response = $ShellServer.send(command) var after = OS.get_ticks_msec() #print("took " + str(after-before)+" ms") #print("stop") mutex.unlock() return response func new_shell(): if OS.get_name() == "Windows": return BetterShell.new() else: return Shell.new()