extends Node2D var hovered = false var dragged = false var drag_offset export var id = "" setget set_id export var command = "" setget set_command export var description = "" setget set_description export var energy = 0 setget set_energy var _first_argument = null var _home_position = null var _home_rotation = null onready var energy_label = $Sprite/Energy func _ready(): set_process_unhandled_input(true) set_energy(energy) func _process(delta): if game.energy >= energy: energy_label.modulate = Color(0.5, 1, 0.5) else: energy_label.modulate = Color(1, 1, 1) modulate = Color(1, 0.5, 0.5) if dragged: var mousepos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() global_position = mousepos - drag_offset var target_scale = 1 if hovered and not dragged: target_scale = 1.5 scale = lerp(scale, Vector2(target_scale, target_scale), 10*delta) func _unhandled_input(event): if event is InputEventMouseButton: if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed and hovered: dragged = true game.dragged_object = self _turn_on_highlights() $PickupSound.play() drag_offset = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() - global_position get_tree().set_input_as_handled() modulate.a = 0.5 elif event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and !event.pressed and dragged: dragged = false game.dragged_object = null _turn_off_highlights() modulate.a = 1 if "[string]" in command: var dialog = preload("res://scenes/input_dialog.tscn").instance() add_child(dialog) dialog.popup_centered() dialog.connect("entered", self, "entered_string") dialog.connect("popup_hide", self, "move_back") hide() elif "[" in command: move_back() else: try_play(command) func _turn_on_highlights(): var arg_regex = RegEx.new() arg_regex.compile("\\[(.*)\\]") var m = arg_regex.search(command) if m: var types = Array(m.get_string(1).split(",")) for type in types: for area in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("drop_areas"): area.highlight(type.strip_edges()) func _turn_off_highlights(): for area in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("drop_areas"): area.highlighted = false func _mouse_entered(): hovered = true z_index = 1 func _mouse_exited(): hovered = false z_index = 0 func set_command(new_command): command = new_command $Label.text = command func set_description(new_description): description = new_description $Description.text = description func set_energy(new_energy): energy = new_energy if energy_label: energy_label.text = str(energy) func set_id(new_id): id = new_id var texture = load("res://cards/%s.svg" % new_id) if texture: $Image.texture = texture func move_back(): position = _home_position rotation_degrees = _home_rotation $ReturnSound.play() show() func dropped_on(other): if "[" in command: var argument if other.type == "file": argument = other.label else: argument = other.id if (command.begins_with("git checkout") or command.begins_with("git rebase")) and argument.begins_with("refs/heads"): argument = Array(argument.split("/")).pop_back() var arg_regex = RegEx.new() arg_regex.compile("\\[(.*)\\]") var full_command = arg_regex.sub(command, argument) try_play(full_command) func try_play(full_command): if game.energy >= energy: var terminal = $"../../../..".terminal terminal.send_command(full_command) #yield(terminal, "command_done") $PlaySound.play() var particles = preload("res://scenes/card_particles.tscn").instance() particles.position = position get_parent().add_child(particles) move_back() game.energy -= energy else: move_back() func entered_string(string): try_play(command.replace("[string]", "'"+string+"'"))