title = Living dangerously
cards =


So you have decided to apply for time travel school, to learn how to use this time machine called "Git"!

How exciting!

You're almost done with the paperwork! You just need to fill in one more reason why you want to learn Git.


Suddenly, your cat jumps on the table, snatches away the form, and runs away! Oh no. All your hard work, gone!

You clearly need a better solution.

(Click "Next Level" as soon as you're ready!)


rm -rf .git

echo "~ Why I want to learn Git ~

- So that I can undo mistakes
- To track my projects over time" >> form.txt


test "$(cat form.txt | wc -l )" -ge 5 && echo "(Has been stolen by your cat.)

" > form.txt


# Add another line to from.txt!
test "$(cat form.txt | wc -l )" -ge 5