extends Node class_name Level var slug var description var congrats var start_commands var goal_commands var win_commands # The path is an outer path. func load(path): var parts = path.split("/") slug = parts[parts.size()-1] description = helpers.read_file(path+"/description", "(no description)") # Surround all lines indented with four spaces with [code] tags. var monospace_regex = RegEx.new() monospace_regex.compile("\n (.*)\n") description = monospace_regex.sub(description, "\n [code]$1[/code]\n", true) congrats = helpers.read_file(path+"/congrats", "Good job, you solved the level!\n\nFeel free to try a few more things or click 'Next Level'.") start_commands = helpers.read_file(path+"/start", "") goal_commands = helpers.read_file(path+"/goal", "") win_commands = helpers.read_file(path+"/win", "exit 1\n")