title = Working together
cards = clone checkout commit-auto pull push


A friend has asked you to help with an essay about hobbies! She has already started to write a list, and started tracking it with her own time machine!


"Thanks, these are some really nice hobbies! Hope we can do that together soon!"

You're still pretty confused by everything that's going on. The next day, you decide to enroll in time travel school!


rm -rf .git

[setup friend]

echo "~ Best hobbies ~" > hobbies.txt
git add .
git commit -m "Initial version"

echo " 
- Collecting stamps
- Looking at clouds" >> hobbies.txt

git add .
git commit -m "Added two hobbies"


# Get a copy of her timeline using `git clone`!
test -d .git

# Add at least two more items to the list!
test "$(cat hobbies.txt |wc -l)" -ge 6

# Commit your result.
test "$(git show main:hobbies.txt |wc -l)" -ge 6

[win friend]

# And use `git push` to send it to your friend!
test "$(git show main:hobbies.txt |wc -l)" -ge 6