extends Node2D var dragged = null var server var client_connection var current_level = 0 onready var terminal = $Terminal onready var input = terminal.input onready var output = terminal.output onready var goal_repository = $Repositories/GoalRepository onready var active_repository = $Repositories/ActiveRepository func _ready(): # Initialize level select. var options = $LevelSelect.get_popup() repopulate_levels() options.connect("id_pressed", self, "load_level") $LevelSelect.theme = Theme.new() $LevelSelect.theme.default_font = load("res://fonts/default.tres") # Initialize TCP server for fake editor. server = TCP_Server.new() server.listen(1234) # Load first level. load_level(0) input.grab_focus() func list_levels(): var levels = [] var dir = Directory.new() dir.open("res://levels") dir.list_dir_begin() while true: var file = dir.get_next() if file == "": break elif not file.begins_with("."): levels.append(file) dir.list_dir_end() levels.sort() var level_sequence = [ "welcome", "basics", "blob-create", "blob-remove", "index-add", "index-remove", "index-update", "tree-create", "tree-read", "tree-nested", "commit-create", "commit-parents", "commit-rhombus", "ref-create", "ref-move", "ref-remove", "symref-create", "symref-no-deref", ] for level in level_sequence: if not levels.has(level): push_error("Level '%s' is specified in the sequence, but could not be found" % level) levels.erase(level) level_sequence += levels return level_sequence func load_level(id): $NextLevelButton.hide() $LevelCongrats.hide() $LevelDescription.show() current_level = id var levels = list_levels() var level = levels[id] var level_prefix = "res://levels/" var goal_repository_path = "/tmp/goal/" var active_repository_path = "/tmp/active/" var goal_script = level_prefix+level+"/goal" var active_script = level_prefix+level+"/start" var description_file = level_prefix+level+"/description" var description = game.read_file(description_file, "no description") $LevelDescription.bbcode_text = description var congrats_file = level_prefix+level+"/congrats" var congrats = game.read_file(congrats_file, "Good job, you solved the level!\n\nFeel free to try a few more things or click 'Next Level'.") $LevelCongrats.bbcode_text = congrats $LevelName.text = level # We're actually destroying stuff here. # Make sure that active_repository is in a temporary directory. var expected_prefix = "/tmp" if active_repository_path.substr(0,4) != expected_prefix: push_error("Refusing to delete a directory that does not start with %s" % expected_prefix) get_tree().quit() if goal_repository_path.substr(0,4) != expected_prefix: push_error("Refusing to delete a directory that does not start with %s" % expected_prefix) get_tree().quit() # Danger zone! game.global_shell.run("rm -rf '%s'" % active_repository_path) game.global_shell.run("rm -rf '%s'" % goal_repository_path) var goal_script_content = game.read_file(goal_script, "") var active_script_content = game.read_file(active_script, "") construct_repo(active_script_content +"\n"+ goal_script_content, goal_repository_path) construct_repo(active_script_content, active_repository_path) goal_repository.path = goal_repository_path active_repository.path = active_repository_path var win_script = level_prefix+level+"/win" var win_script_target = game.tmp_prefix+"/win" var win_script_content = game.read_file(win_script, "exit 1\n") game.write_file(win_script_target, win_script_content) terminal.clear() func reload_level(): load_level(current_level) func load_next_level(): current_level = (current_level + 1) % list_levels().size() load_level(current_level) func construct_repo(script_content, path): # Becase in an exported game, all assets are in a .pck file, we need to put # the script somewhere in the filesystem. var script_path_outside = game.tmp_prefix+"/git-hydra-script" var script_path = "/tmp/git-hydra-script" game.write_file(script_path_outside, script_content) game.global_shell.run("mkdir " + path) game.global_shell.cd(path) game.global_shell.run("git init") game.global_shell.run("git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main") game.global_shell.run("sh "+script_path) func _process(_delta): if server.is_connection_available(): client_connection = server.take_connection() var length = client_connection.get_u8() var filename = client_connection.get_string(length) var regex = RegEx.new() regex.compile("(\\.git\\/.*)") filename = regex.search(filename).get_string() read_message(filename) func read_message(filename): $TextEditor.show() input.editable = false var fixme_path = game.tmp_prefix+"/active/" var content = game.read_file(fixme_path+filename, "[ERROR_FAKE_EDITOR]") if content == "[ERROR_FAKE_EDITOR]": push_error("file specified by fake-editor could not be read.") get_tree().quit() $TextEditor.text = content $TextEditor.path = filename $TextEditor.grab_focus() func save_message(): var fixme_path = game.tmp_prefix+"/active/" game.write_file(fixme_path+$TextEditor.path, $TextEditor.text) client_connection.disconnect_from_host() input.editable = true $TextEditor.text = "" $TextEditor.hide() input.grab_focus() func show_win_status(): $NextLevelButton.show() $LevelDescription.hide() $LevelCongrats.show() func repopulate_levels(): var options = $LevelSelect.get_popup() options.clear() for level in list_levels(): options.add_item(level)