2023-09-06 16:04:23 +02:00

146 lines
4.3 KiB

extends Node
class_name Level
var slug
var title
var description
var congrats
var cards
var repos = {}
var tipp_level = 0
# The path is an outer path.
func load(path):
var parts = path.split("/")
slug = parts[parts.size()-1]
var file = FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ)
if file:
# This is a new-style level.
var config = helpers.parse(path)
title = config.get("title", slug)
description = config.get("description", "(no description)")
# Surround all lines indented with four spaces with [code] tags.
var monospace_regex = RegEx.new()
monospace_regex.compile("\\n ([^\\n]*)")
description = monospace_regex.sub(description, "\n [code][color=#e1e160]$1[/color][/code]", true)
description = description.split("---")
var cli_hints = config.get("cli", "")
# Also do this substitution in the CLI hints.
cli_hints = monospace_regex.sub(cli_hints, "\n [code][color=#bbbb5d]$1[/color][/code]", true)
# Also replace `code` with [code] tags.
var monospace_inline_regex = RegEx.new()
description[0] = monospace_inline_regex.sub(description[0], "[code][color=#e1e160]$1[/color][/code]")
cli_hints = monospace_inline_regex.sub(cli_hints, "[code][color=#bbbb5d]$1[/color][/code]", true)
if cli_hints != "":
description[0] = description[0] + "\n\n[color=#787878]"+cli_hints+"[/color]"
congrats = config.get("congrats", "Good job, you solved the level!\n\nFeel free to try a few more things or click 'Next level'.")
cards = Array(config.get("cards", "").split(" "))
if cards == [""]:
cards = []
var keys = config.keys()
var repo_setups = []
for k in keys:
if k.begins_with("setup"):
var repo_wins = []
for k in keys:
if k.begins_with("win"):
var repo_actions = []
for k in keys:
if k.begins_with("actions"):
for k in repo_setups:
var repo
if " " in k: # [setup yours]
repo = Array(k.split(" "))[1]
repo = "yours"
if not repos.has(repo):
repos[repo] = LevelRepo.new()
repos[repo].setup_commands = config[k]
for k in repo_wins:
var repo
if " " in k:
repo = Array(k.split(" "))[1]
repo = "yours"
var desc = "Complete the goal of this level"
for line in Array(config[k].split("\n")):
if line.length() > 0 and line[0] == "#":
desc = line.substr(1).strip_edges(true, true)
if not repos[repo].win_conditions.has(desc):
repos[repo].win_conditions[desc] = ""
repos[repo].win_conditions[desc] += line+"\n"
for k in repo_actions:
var repo
if " " in k:
repo = Array(k.split(" "))[1]
repo = "yours"
repos[repo].action_commands = config[k]
# for desc in repos[repo].win_conditions:
# print("Desc: " + desc)
# print("Commands: " + repos[repo].win_conditions[desc])
helpers.crash("Level %s does not exist." % path)
for repo in repos:
repos[repo].path = game.tmp_prefix+"repos/%s/" % repo
repos[repo].slug = repo
func construct():
for r in repos:
var repo = repos[r]
# We're actually destroying stuff here.
# Make sure that active_repository is in a temporary directory.
game.global_shell.run("mkdir '%s'" % repo.path)
game.global_shell.run("git init")
game.global_shell.run("git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main")
# Add other repos as remotes.
for r2 in repos:
if r == r2:
game.global_shell.run("git remote add %s '%s'" % [r2, repos[r2].path])
for r in repos:
var repo = repos[r]
func check_win():
var win_states = {}
for r in repos:
var repo = repos[r]
if repo.action_commands.length() > 0:
game.global_shell.run("function actions { %s\n}; actions 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || true" % repo.action_commands)
if repo.win_conditions.size() > 0:
for description in repo.win_conditions:
var commands = repo.win_conditions[description]
var won = game.global_shell.run("function win { %s\n}; win 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && echo yes || echo no" % commands) == "yes\n"
win_states[description] = won
return win_states