2023-09-07 17:46:58 +02:00

139 lines
3.9 KiB

//import {Mutex} from "./mutex.js"
var emulator
// Whether or not to restore the VM state from a file. Set to false to perform a regular boot.
let restoreState = true
function testy(cmd) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("testy!!" + cmd)
}, 100)
window["testy"] = testy
// Run a command via the serial port (/dev/ttyS0) and return the output.
function run(cmd) {
emulator.serial0_send(cmd + "\n")
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var output = ""
var listener = (char) => {
if (char !== "\r") {
output += char
if (output.endsWith("# ")) {
emulator.remove_listener("serial0-output-char", listener)
let outputWithoutPrompt = output.slice(0, -4)
let outputWithoutFirstLine = outputWithoutPrompt.slice(
outputWithoutPrompt.indexOf("\n") + 1
if (outputWithoutFirstLine.endsWith("\n")) {
outputWithoutFirstLine = outputWithoutFirstLine.slice(0, -1)
emulator.remove_listener("serial0-output-char", listener)
emulator.add_listener("serial0-output-char", listener)
window["run"] = run
window["web_shell"] = {run, testy}
// Run a test command and return true if the exit code is 0, false otherwise.
async function test(condition) {
let result = await run(`test ${condition} && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'`)
return result == "yes"
// Set emulator config.
let config = {
wasm_path: "/web-shell/lib/v86.wasm",
memory_size: 64 * 1024 * 1024,
vga_memory_size: 2 * 1024 * 1024,
screen_container: document.getElementById("screen_container"),
bios: {url: "/web-shell/images/seabios.bin"},
vga_bios: {url: "/web-shell/images/vgabios.bin"},
cdrom: {url: "/web-shell/images/image.iso.zst"},
disable_mouse: true,
autostart: true,
if (restoreState) {
config["initial_state"] = {
url: "/web-shell/images/booted-state.bin.zst",
function boot() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Start the emulator!
emulator = window["emulator"] = new V86Starter(config)
// Wait for the emulator to start, then resolve the promise.
var interval = setInterval(() => {
if (emulator.is_running()) {
}, 100)
// Allow saving and restoring the state using the buttons below the console.
var state
document.getElementById("save_restore").onclick = async function () {
var button = this
if (state) {
button.value = "Save state"
await emulator.restore_state(state)
state = undefined
} else {
const new_state = await emulator.save_state()
console.log("Saved state of " + new_state.byteLength + " bytes")
button.value = "Restore state"
state = new_state
document.getElementById("save_file").onclick = async function () {
const new_state = await emulator.save_state()
var a = document.createElement("a")
a.download = "v86state.bin"
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([new_state]))
a.dataset.downloadurl =
"application/octet-stream:" + a.download + ":" + a.href
document.getElementById("restore_file").onchange = function () {
if (this.files.length) {
var filereader = new FileReader()
filereader.onload = async function (e) {
await emulator.restore_state(e.target.result)
this.value = ""