mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 20:32:55 +01:00
343 lines
8.6 KiB
343 lines
8.6 KiB
extends Control
onready var nodes = $Rows/RepoVis/Nodes
onready var label_node = $Rows/RepoVis/Label
onready var path_node = $Rows/RepoVis/Path
onready var simplify_checkbox = $Rows/RepoVis/SimplifyCheckbox
export var label: String setget set_label
export var path: String setget set_path, get_path
export var simplified_view = true setget set_simplified_view
export var editable_path = false setget set_editable_path
var type = "remote"
var node = preload("res://scenes/node.tscn")
var shell = game.new_shell()
var objects = {}
var mouse_inside = false
var has_been_layouted = false
# Used for caching.
var all_objects_cache
var all_refs_cache
var there_is_a_git_cache
# We use this for a heuristic of when to hide trees and blobs.
var _commit_count = 0
func _ready():
# Trigger these again because nodes were not ready before.
func _process(_delta):
nodes.rect_pivot_offset = nodes.rect_size / 2
if path:
func _unhandled_input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed("zoom_out") and nodes.rect_scale.x > 0.3:
nodes.rect_scale -= Vector2(0.05, 0.05)
if event.is_action_pressed("zoom_in") and nodes.rect_scale.x < 2:
nodes.rect_scale += Vector2(0.05, 0.05)
func there_is_a_git():
return shell.run("test -d .git && echo yes || echo no") == "yes\n"
func update_everything():
there_is_a_git_cache = there_is_a_git()
if there_is_a_git_cache:
for o in objects:
objects = {}
if not has_been_layouted:
has_been_layouted = true
func set_path(new_path):
path = new_path
if path_node:
path_node.text = path
if new_path != "":
for o in objects.values():
objects = {}
# if is_inside_tree():
# update_everything()
func get_path():
return path
func set_label(new_label):
label = new_label
if label_node:
if new_label == "yours":
new_label = ""
game.notify(tr("This is the time machine of another person! To interact with it, you need special commands!"), self, "remote")
label_node.text = new_label
func random_position():
return Vector2(rand_range(0, rect_size.x), rand_range(0, rect_size.y))
func update_objects():
all_objects_cache = all_objects()
# Create new objects, if necessary.
for o in all_objects_cache:
if objects.has(o):
var type = object_type(o)
if simplified_view:
if type == "tree" or type == "blob":
var n = node.instance()
n.id = o
n.type = object_type(o)
n.content = object_content(o)
n.repository = self
match type:
n.children = tree_children(o)
n.content = n.content.replacen("\t", " ")
var c = {}
#c[commit_tree(o)] = ""
for p in commit_parents(o):
c[p] = ""
n.children = c
_commit_count += 1
# if _commit_count >= 3 and not simplified_view:
# set_simplified_view(true)
n.children = tag_target(o)
n.position = find_position(n)
objects[o] = n
func update_node_positions():
if there_is_a_git_cache:
var graph_text = shell.run("git log --graph --oneline --all --no-abbrev")
var graph_lines = Array(graph_text.split("\n"))
for line_count in range(graph_lines.size()):
var line = graph_lines[line_count]
if "*" in line:
var star_idx = line.find("*")
var hash_regex = RegEx.new()
var regex_match = hash_regex.search(line)
objects[regex_match.get_string()].position = Vector2((graph_lines.size()-line_count) * 100 + 500, star_idx * 100 + 500)
for ref in all_refs_cache:
var target_reference = objects[ref].children.keys()[0]
var target = objects[target_reference]
objects[ref].position = Vector2(target.position.x ,target.position.y - 100)
var target_reference = objects["HEAD"].children.keys()[0]
if objects.has(target_reference):
var target = objects[target_reference]
objects["HEAD"].position = Vector2(target.position.x ,target.position.y - 100)
func update_refs():
all_refs_cache = all_refs()
for r in all_refs_cache:
if not objects.has(r):
var n = node.instance()
n.id = r
n.type = "ref"
n.content = ""
n.repository = self
objects[r] = n
n.children = {ref_target(r): ""}
n.position = find_position(n)
var n = objects[r]
n.children = {ref_target(r): ""}
func apply_forces():
for o in objects.values():
if not o.visible:
if o.type == "head" and o.children.size() > 0 and objects.has(o.children.keys()[0]):
for o2 in objects.values():
if o == o2 or not o2.visible or o2.type == "head":
var d = o.position.distance_to(o2.position)
var dir = (o.global_position - o2.global_position).normalized()
var f = 2000/pow(d+0.00001,1.5)
o.position += dir*f
o2.position -= dir*f
var center_of_gravity = nodes.rect_size/2
var d = o.position.distance_to(center_of_gravity)
var dir = (o.position - center_of_gravity).normalized()
var f = (d+0.00001)*(Vector2(nodes.rect_size.y/10, nodes.rect_size.x/3).normalized()/30)
o.position -= dir*f
func find_position(n):
var position = Vector2.ZERO
var count = 0
for child in n.children:
if objects.has(child):
position += objects[child].position
count += 1
if count > 0:
position /= count
n.position = position + Vector2(0, -150)
n.position = random_position()
return n.position
func git(args, splitlines = false):
var o = shell.run("git --no-replace-objects " + args)
if splitlines:
o = o.split("\n")
# Remove last empty line.
# Remove trailing newline.
o = o.substr(0,len(o)-1)
return o
func update_head():
if not objects.has("HEAD"):
var n = node.instance()
n.id = "HEAD"
n.type = "head"
n.content = ""
n.repository = self
n.position = find_position(n)
objects["HEAD"] = n
var n = objects["HEAD"]
n.children = {ref_target("HEAD"): ""}
func all_objects():
#var obj = git("cat-file --batch-check='%(objectname)' --batch-all-objects", true)
var obj = git("cat-file --batch-check='%(objectname) %(objecttype)' --batch-all-objects | grep '\\(tag\\|commit\\)$' | cut -f1 -d' '", true)
var dict = {}
for o in obj:
dict[o] = ""
return dict
func object_type(id):
return git("cat-file -t "+id)
func object_content(id):
#return git("cat-file -p "+id)
return git("show -s --format=%B "+id).strip_edges()
func tree_children(id):
var children = git("cat-file -p "+id, true)
var ids = {}
for c in children:
var a = c.split(" ")
ids[a[2].split("\t")[0]] = a[2].split("\t")[1]
return ids
func commit_tree(id):
var c = git("cat-file -p "+id, true)
for cc in c:
var ccc = cc.split(" ", 2)
match ccc[0]:
return ccc[1]
return null
func commit_parents(id):
var parents = []
var c = git("cat-file -p "+id, true)
for cc in c:
var ccc = cc.split(" ", 2)
match ccc[0]:
return parents
func tag_target(id):
var c = git("rev-parse %s^{}" % id)
return {c: ""}
func all_refs():
var refs = {}
# If there are no refs, show-ref will have exit code 1. We don't care.
for line in git("show-ref || true", true):
line = line.split(" ")
var _id = line[0]
var name = line[1]
refs[name] = ""
return refs
func ref_target(ref):
# Test whether this is a symbolic ref.
var ret = git("symbolic-ref -q "+ref+" || true")
# If it's not, it's probably a regular ref.
if ret == "":
if ref == "HEAD":
ret = git("show-ref --head "+ref).split(" ")[0]
ret = git("show-ref "+ref).split(" ")[0]
return ret
func set_simplified_view(simplify):
simplified_view = simplify
if simplify_checkbox:
simplify_checkbox.pressed = simplify
for o in objects:
var obj = objects[o]
if obj.type == "tree" or obj.type == "blob":
obj.visible = not simplify
func set_editable_path(editable):
editable_path = editable
if label_node:
label_node.visible = not editable
if path_node:
path_node.visible = editable
func remove_gone_stuff():
var all = {}
for o in all_objects_cache:
all[o] = ""
for o in all_refs_cache:
all[o] = ""
all["HEAD"] = ""
# Delete objects, if they disappeared.
for o in objects.keys():
if not all.has(o):
func _on_mouse_entered():
mouse_inside = true
func _on_mouse_exited():
mouse_inside = false