
152 lines
4.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

extends Node
var lang = "it" # Variable for localization
var debug_file_io = false
# Crash the game and display the error message.
func crash(message):
2020-09-29 16:12:58 +02:00
print("FATAL ERROR: " + message)
2020-09-29 16:12:58 +02:00
# Oh, still here? Let's crash more violently, by calling a non-existing method.
# Violent delights have violent ends.
2020-09-29 16:12:58 +02:00
func map(array, object, f):
var new_array = []
for i in range(array.size()):
new_array.push_back(object.call(f, array[i]))
return new_array
# Run a simple command with arguments, blocking, using OS.execute.
func exec(command, args=[], crash_on_fail=true):
var debug = false
if debug:
print("exec: %s [%s]" % [command, PoolStringArray(args).join(", ")])
var output = []
var exit_code = OS.execute(command, args, true, output, true)
output = output[0]
2020-10-20 18:44:33 +02:00
if exit_code != 0 and crash_on_fail:
2020-10-20 18:44:33 +02:00
helpers.crash("OS.execute failed: %s [%s] Output: %s \nExit Code %d" % [command, PoolStringArray(args).join(", "), output, exit_code])
elif debug:
print("Output: %s" %output)
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
return {"output": output, "exit_code": exit_code}
func exec_async(command, args=[]):
OS.execute(command, args, false)
# Return the contents of a file. If no fallback_string is provided, crash when
# the file doesn't exist.
func read_file(path, fallback_string=null):
if debug_file_io:
print("reading " + path)
var file = File.new()
var open_status = file.open(path, File.READ)
if open_status == OK:
var content = file.get_as_text()
return content
if fallback_string != null:
return fallback_string
helpers.crash("File %s could not be read, and has no fallback" % path)
func write_file(path, content):
if debug_file_io:
print("writing " + path)
# Create the base directory of the file, if it doesn't exist.
var parts = Array(path.split("/"))
var dirname = PoolStringArray(parts).join("/")
var dir = Directory.new()
if not dir.dir_exists(path):
var file = File.new()
file.open(path, File.WRITE)
return true
func parse_args():
var arguments = {}
for argument in OS.get_cmdline_args():
if argument.substr(0, 2) == "--":
# Parse valid command-line arguments into a dictionary
if argument.find("=") > -1:
var key_value = argument.split("=")
arguments[key_value[0].lstrip("--")] = key_value[1]
arguments[argument.lstrip("--")] = true
return arguments
func careful_delete(path_inside):
var expected_prefix = "%s/tmp/" % OS.get_user_data_dir()
var os = OS.get_name()
if os == "Windows":
# In the game, we use forward slashes:
expected_prefix = expected_prefix.replace("\\", "/")
# Windows treats paths case-insensitively:
expected_prefix = expected_prefix.to_lower()
path_inside = path_inside.to_lower()
if path_inside.substr(0,expected_prefix.length()) != expected_prefix:
helpers.crash("Refusing to delete directory %s that does not start with %s" % [path_inside, expected_prefix])
2020-10-26 19:56:52 +01:00
game.global_shell.run("rm -rf '%s'" % path_inside)
2020-09-30 17:46:43 +02:00
func parse(file):
var text = read_file(file)
var result = {}
var current_section
var section_regex = RegEx.new()
var assignment_regex = RegEx.new()
assignment_regex.compile("^([a-z ]+)=(.*)$")
for line in text.split("\n"):
# Skip comments.
if line.substr(0, 1) == ";":
# Parse a [section name].
var m = section_regex.search(line)
if m:
current_section = m.get_string(1)
result[current_section] = ""
# Parse a direct=assignment.
m = assignment_regex.search(line)
if m:
var key = m.get_string(1).strip_edges()
var value = m.get_string(2).strip_edges()
result[key] = value
# At this point, the line is just content belonging to the current section.
if current_section:
result[current_section] += line + "\n"
for key in result:
result[key] = result[key].strip_edges()
return result
func abbreviate(text, max_length):
if text.length() > max_length-3:
text = text.substr(0, max_length-3) + "..."
return text