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extends Node
class_name Shell
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
var exit_code
var _cwd
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
var _os = OS.get_name()
2020-09-15 12:36:22 +02:00
#signal output(text)
func _init():
2020-09-29 16:12:58 +02:00
_cwd = game.tmp_prefix_inside
func cd(dir):
_cwd = dir
# Run a shell command given as a string. Run this if you're interested in the
# output of the command.
func run(command, crash_on_fail=true):
2020-10-22 14:59:44 +02:00
var debug = false
if debug:
print("$ %s" % command)
var env = {}
2020-10-06 16:50:31 +02:00
if game.fake_editor:
env["GIT_EDITOR"] = game.fake_editor.replace(" ", "\\ ")
2020-09-09 18:32:57 +02:00
env["GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"] = "You"
env["GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"] = "you@example.com"
env["GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL"] = "you@example.com"
env["GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR"] = ""
var hacky_command = ""
for variable in env:
hacky_command += "export %s='%s';" % [variable, env[variable]]
2020-09-29 16:12:58 +02:00
hacky_command += "cd '%s' || exit 1;" % _cwd
hacky_command += command
var result
if _os == "X11" or _os == "OSX":
# Godot's OS.execute wraps each argument in double quotes before executing
# on Linux and macOS.
# Because we want to be in a single-quote context, where nothing is evaluated,
# we end those double quotes and start a single quoted string. For each single
# quote appearing in our string, we close the single quoted string, and add
# a double quoted string containing the single quote. Ooooof!
# Example: The string
# test 'fu' "bla" blubb
# becomes
# "'test '"'"'fu'"'"' "bla" blubb"
2020-10-20 18:44:33 +02:00
hacky_command = '"\''+hacky_command.replace("'", "'\"'\"'")+'\'"'
result = helpers.exec(_shell_binary(), ["-c", hacky_command], crash_on_fail)
elif _os == "Windows":
# On Windows, if the command contains a newline (even if inside a string),
# execution will end. To avoid that, we first write the command to a file,
# and run that file with bash.
var script_path = game.tmp_prefix_inside + "command"
helpers.write_file(script_path, hacky_command)
result = helpers.exec(_shell_binary(), [script_path], crash_on_fail)
helpers.crash("Unimplemented OS: %s" % _os)
if debug:
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
exit_code = result["exit_code"]
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
return result["output"]
func _shell_binary():
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
if _os == "X11" or _os == "OSX":
return "bash"
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
elif _os == "Windows":
return "dependencies\\windows\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"
2020-10-22 16:19:22 +02:00
helpers.crash("Unsupported OS: %s" % _os)
var _t
func run_async(command):
_t = Thread.new()
_t.start(self, "run_async_thread", command)
func run_async_thread(command):
var port = 1000 + (randi() % 1000)
var s = TCP_Server.new()
2020-09-11 10:33:44 +02:00
var _pid = OS.execute("ncat", ["", str(port), "-c", command], false, [], true)
while not s.is_connection_available():
var c = s.take_connection()
while c.get_status() == StreamPeerTCP.STATUS_CONNECTED:
2020-09-15 09:30:19 +02:00
2020-09-15 09:30:19 +02:00
func read_from(c):
var total_available = c.get_available_bytes()
print(str(total_available)+" bytes available")
while total_available > 0:
var available = min(1024, total_available)
total_available -= available
print("reading "+str(available))
var data = c.get_utf8_string(available)
#emit_signal("output", data)