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2020-01-29 20:25:13 +01:00
extends Node
var tmp_prefix = _tmp_prefix()
var global_shell
2020-09-11 10:33:44 +02:00
var debug_file_io = false
var fake_editor
2020-01-29 20:25:13 +01:00
func _ready():
global_shell = Shell.new()
# Copy fake-editor to tmp directory (because the original might be in a .pck file).
var fake_editor_outside = tmp_prefix + "fake-editor"
fake_editor = "/tmp/fake-editor"
2020-09-15 12:36:22 +02:00
var content = game.read_file("res://scripts/fake-editor", "")
if content.empty():
push_error("fake-editor could not be read.")
write_file(fake_editor_outside, content)
global_shell.run("chmod u+x " + fake_editor)
2020-09-15 12:36:22 +02:00
func read_file(path, fallback_string):
2020-09-11 10:33:44 +02:00
if debug_file_io:
print("reading " + path)
2020-09-04 14:57:37 +02:00
var file = File.new()
2020-09-15 12:36:22 +02:00
var open_status = file.open(path, File.READ)
if open_status == OK:
var content = file.get_as_text()
return content
return fallback_string
func write_file(path, content):
2020-09-11 10:33:44 +02:00
if debug_file_io:
print("writing " + path)
2020-09-04 14:57:37 +02:00
var file = File.new()
file.open(path, File.WRITE)
return true
func _tmp_prefix():
var os = OS.get_name()
if os == "X11":
return "/tmp/"
elif os == "Windows":
# For some reason, this command outputs a space in the end? We remove it.
# Also, Godot's default is to use forward slashes for everything.
2020-09-09 18:32:57 +02:00
return exec("echo", ["%TEMP%"]).replacen("\\", "/").replace(" \n", "/")
push_error("Unsupported OS")
2020-09-09 13:25:00 +02:00
# Run a simple command with arguments, blocking, using OS.execute.
func exec(command, args=[]):
2020-09-11 10:33:44 +02:00
var debug = false
if debug:
print("exec: %s [%s]" % [command, PoolStringArray(args).join(", ")])
var output = []
var exit_code = OS.execute(command, args, true, output, true)
output = output[0]
if exit_code != 0:
push_error("OS.execute failed: %s [%s] Output: %s" % [command, PoolStringArray(args).join(", "), output])
if debug:
return output